The online racing simulator
New windos2k Racing skins.

Preview in attachment.

Skins can be downloaded HERE and HERE.

1024x1024 and 2024x2024 versions.
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New peronal skin
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download skins
Hi all, I would like to customise a V8 or an XR with an alternative paint job. Anyone know where I can d/load a skin from? Thanks
If you're going to customise one, why not start off with a blank skin? If you need a template to do it have a look on Master Skinnerz (my sig is a good place to start), as Bunta has made large templates. But you'll need a decent graphics program like PSP or Gimp.
Quote from Bugle :Hey all,
Some FO8 skins I made.

John Player Special Lotus 98T based
Screenshot -
Skin file -

Camel Lotus 99T
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McLaren Mercedes MP4-11
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Skin file -

Great work! Hey, wanna do the 1978 Andretti JPS Lotus too for F1 skins? Lol! These are very nice and I will enjoy using them, thanks!

Quote from SmokyTyrz :Worked together with Thunder Child on this one for our new US League "Team EAGLE". It's not 100% yet but I'm enjoying it.


Very cool, I want it when you decide to share it!

Quote from Naix :Hi,

My first ever skin (be fair ) ... c5f34cf4f2b9409b86bdt.jpg ... 5dd3be129c44d451a94et.jpg ... 15914d19682b26f68597t.jpg

Skins : ... 5a90c6a7a3f4dd02f1ce.html


Hi Naix,

Very nicely done! My only comment is that you should name the image appropriately on the link such as "FOX_Oz Racing.jpg" or something other than 4c13adf25a90c6a7a3f4dd02f1ce.jpg.

Quote from Ear Collector :Hi Naix,

Very nicely done! My only comment is that you should name the image appropriately on the link such as "FOX_Oz Racing.jpg" or something other than 4c13adf25a90c6a7a3f4dd02f1ce.jpg.


Thank You Ear Collector

Next skin, I'll will named it correctly

Bye !!
FOX F1's
FOX F1 Skin Pack

It started off with making the Williams for the FOX and ended being all the F1 cars Thanks to Gobby for the big red bull for the toro rosso and all his other FO8 and BF1 skins to look at, they made doing these a whole lot easier! And Master Skinnerz for the FOX Pro Kit as well.

They are as good as I can get em

DOWNLOAD: F1.06 FOX Skin pack

EDIT: I've change the preview picture, I mirrored some of the screen shots to make them fit better but it confused people so I've switched them back to normal.

Thanks for the nice comments
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nice work dude
ROFL, all top skins have reversed images/sponsors because you horizontally fliped the images for the preview XD.

Nice skins though.
I think he flipped the actual screenshots to do that 'staggered' preview shot. Could be wrong, downloading now. Yeah they are ok :up:
Quote from garph :FOX F1 Skin Pack

It started off with making the Williams for the FOX and ended being all the F1 cars Thanks to Gobby for the big red bull for the toro rosso and all his other FO8 and BF1 skins to look at, they made doing these a whole lot easier!

They are as good as I can get em


Woohoo! Nicely done! Thanks for sharing these!

Quote from garph :FOX F1 Skin Pack

It started off with making the Williams for the FOX and ended being all the F1 cars Thanks to Gobby for the big red bull for the toro rosso and all his other FO8 and BF1 skins to look at, they made doing these a whole lot easier!

They are as good as I can get em


Thank you for sharin' it
Erm, bit of a wierd one this...

Just wondered what it would look like if i skinned the fox as wipeout cars...Dunno what you guys are gonna make of this!
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wipskins.rar - 652.4 KB - 646 views
Quote from manintightpants :Erm, bit of a wierd one this...

Just wondered what it would look like if i skinned the fox as wipeout cars...Dunno what you guys are gonna make of this!


(I admit I don't have Pure, I play fusion occasionally)
Quote from manintightpants :Erm, bit of a wierd one this...

Just wondered what it would look like if i skinned the fox as wipeout cars...Dunno what you guys are gonna make of this!

Sweet....I've never played any of the wipeout games, tbh I don't even think the shape of the wipeout cars and their paint jobs translates to the Fox very well BUT I do like those simple classy skins, nice one!
Rad! Wipeout 2097 was the first thing I bought for my PS1 and I absolutely loved it! Still one of my favourite games of all time.
They're great skins. Oh, the memories. Excellent work Mr Pants :up:

You wouldn't possibly consider doing FO8 versions, would you?
Great work Garph.

Glad I could be some help
Graph`s FOX F1 sikins are great.:woohoo:
Good work!!!
New skin from me

i can tell much about it, wuts the idea behind the skin.. but im not going to
but if you like it just download it or something..

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Following the creation of this one:, I decided to continue the dynasty. Well. Go back in time to finish it, hehe.

Begginning with the son, why not the father? I've completed a FOX adapted version of the 1981 Ferrari 126C of Gilles Villeneuve, the final complete F1 season before his death. Quite a tragic loss. I've made a matching helmet as well. I'm quite proud of this creation as well. (Too bad there's a licence plate on the FOX, kinda breaks the feel, hehe). ... ferrari_1981_showcase.jpg

Sorry, not public either .

I'm so anxious to get my S2 licence though, that I should be getting quite soon. So anxious to drive all of these!

FORMULA Skins (XR & V8)
(1447 posts, started )