Just going to take my question down since there way to much hatred going around in the lfs community. instead of getting opinions i get bashed on and told how much I should be takin down and how childish I am..maybe next time you guys should read the whole thing, Half the things you said I already explained in my thread.. Also I wont post anymore If thats how it is here. I came to lfs to make friends and all i get is angry people who pounce on anyone in seconds notice. I asked for insight and if i was in the wrong..and didnt get any of that.. I already told you I wasnt complaining ot hating and that i knew my old post was old and that my old post wasnt even about owning anyone i just added that...and i got the opposite is that.
And even if my last post had nothing to do with nothing of nothing and bob locked it..dosnt give anyone the right to flip out and hate on me..i was just asking simple questions..Im not hurting anything am i...Welll in your guys case I am...
Edit Editness: Obviously My thread Is The Most Pointless Thread Ever. Yet Everyone Still Posts
Edit Edity Editness: And Yes I know It Says, Showing Everyone Know How Awesome You Are. So please don't come back with something noob like...Haha you can't spell. I can Spell I just can't type LoL. It said letting everyone know but I changed it to showing and forgot to deleted know lol
Edit Edity Editnessness: I edit way to much, But its there and it draws me in, Also its like 7:30 am and my eyes are burning.. Just wanted to say that im friggin pissed i spelt that wrong, I need magical poll editing hands
And even if my last post had nothing to do with nothing of nothing and bob locked it..dosnt give anyone the right to flip out and hate on me..i was just asking simple questions..Im not hurting anything am i...Welll in your guys case I am...
Edit Editness: Obviously My thread Is The Most Pointless Thread Ever. Yet Everyone Still Posts
Edit Edity Editness: And Yes I know It Says, Showing Everyone Know How Awesome You Are. So please don't come back with something noob like...Haha you can't spell. I can Spell I just can't type LoL. It said letting everyone know but I changed it to showing and forgot to deleted know lol
Edit Edity Editnessness: I edit way to much, But its there and it draws me in, Also its like 7:30 am and my eyes are burning.. Just wanted to say that im friggin pissed i spelt that wrong, I need magical poll editing hands