The online racing simulator
BF1 without Traction Control
(18 posts, started )
BF1 without Traction Control
Just tried some laps with Bf1 without TC to see how much time it would cost and to my surprise I found alot of the sections at BW much easier (last 4 corners). 1st hairpin and chicane were much more difficult. On the whole though it is alot more rewarding and fun! I managed to get within 3 tenths of my PB.

More people should try it!
Attached files
tenmantaylor_BL1_BF1_05454 no tc.spr - 94.7 KB - 178 views
What I have noticed (Limited experience), TC helps on slow corners, but hinders you on fast(er) corners. However, if you are talented enough, your right foot replaces TC completely (And even better, as TC is "fail safe system". It starts to control before anything happens).
#3 - aoun
I drive much better without TC.

..I just make more errors!
yo tenmantaylor,

thats because you are good, but i wouldn't recommend it to most.
imagine the mayhem on a semi full server.
keep it up
when i dirve pickupraces, i drive without tc too, its much more fun.
im just too bad to use it in leagues right now xD
I have it mapped to a wheel button, and with a fairly 'loose' setting even when it is on.

I use it to launch out of hairpins in low gears with the slightest of opposite lock if I've stuffed my exit line, then I turn it off for the quicker stuff where the wings keep the car settled despite the wheelspin.
I haven't been using TC since they scrapped it in F1 and I get within about 3 tenths of a second of my PB I have got so used to not having it that when I use TC I end up being gentle on the throttle anyway so there's no going back now I'm not complaining though. It's much more satisfying winning or getting a podium finish without TC when everyone else around you is using it nice to know that there are others who aren't using it and are just using pure skill to control the car
Glad Im not alone! I was considering using Z3's technique like Schumi, changing wheel settings between corners but Im too lazy for that

Its an awesome feeling to hang the car out and get a good lap. Its very difficult to keep a consistent race pace tho but ultimately more rewarding.

I think the most unrealistic thing about the TC in LFS is it's on/off feel as it makes an on/off application of the gas mandatory at corner exit. The fast S before the bridge at BWGP is a prime example. With TC you HAVE to floor the throttle at the apex of the first corner to make the TC kick so you can anticipate it's effect on the cars behaviour. Without TC this section is a joy, the positive camber allows you to steer the car with the throttle and fine tune your line rather than the forced understeer "Alonso 05/06" technique I quite often use with TC. In real F1 (before the ban) Im sure there were loads more controls and mappings for the TC that eliminated all these issues such as feeding the TC in and out and assigning different TC levels to each corner.

At risk of there being absolutely no BF1 servers at all (compared to now), is their a server option for disallowing TC

And Pat, can we have longer races on the BF1 servers
yes we can
Quote from Gekkibi :What I have noticed (Limited experience), TC helps on slow corners, but hinders you on fast(er) corners. However, if you are talented enough, your right foot replaces TC completely (And even better, as TC is "fail safe system". It starts to control before anything happens).

well yeah for talented drivers TC actually makes them go slower.
like i once watched a video about the new 430 Scuderia and how good their TC is.
Ferrari claim that most people can lap Ferrari test track within like 3sec of the time of their pro test driver with the F1TC on..
and the only person that can drive the car faster than the lap time wif TC on is Schumi.
I wouldn't want to race against anyone NOT using traction control. The chances of the them spinning or losing control, and hitting me are incredibly high compared to if they were using TC. I keep it on a fairly low setting, so it doesn't kick in until I'm actually starting to slide. It's much safer for everyone, and I'm pretty sure it's the fastest setting.

I agree it is much more rewarding to finish first with TC off, but I also think the risk outweighs the reward...
#12 - Jakg
I'd love to see a no-TC race, but then i'd also love to see a 600+ HP FO8, and a full field of drivers with the skill to race them properly...
IIRC Some real F1 driver said that they often drove qualifications without the TC because it was faster. It's more like a fail safe and provides stability and consistency.
Quote from geeman1 :IIRC Some real F1 driver said that they often drove qualifications without the TC because it was faster. It's more like a fail safe and provides stability and consistency.

That's surprising, because many here have said that the cars weren't designed to work without TC, and no way they would have been faster without it.
There are certain tracks that I won't use TC for but I race with TC on most the time.

Here is a hotlap I uploaded that's ranked 4th for SO Classic
Attached files
Thatguy_SO1_BF1_03320.spr - 37.2 KB - 234 views
Quote from frokki :That's surprising, because many here have said that the cars weren't designed to work without TC, and no way they would have been faster without it.

Not really. What a TC does in F1 car is that it prevents the driver from sometimes applying too much throttle (like Maasa) and makes it easier to consistently exit slow and less grippy corners with maximum acceleration. A TC also helps to reduce the tyre wear but for ultimate lap time it is not always the best choise, I'd guess.

(emphasis on the latter, my '79 F1 car does not have traction control so I have no idea what I'm talking about :tilt

With BF1 it should be set up so that it is fast with the TC on because that's the way it was designed to be. Taking the TC off makes it more fun to drive but it wasn't really designed to driven that way. I'm not sure how well the quirks of the real BF1 translate with the LFS F1 car, how close is it compared tot he real thing on this aspect, I'd guess.

(emphasis on the '79 car )
Also set engine brake reduction to 0%. Might be even harder then no TC. Of course you have to change the brake settings a little.
Last year i watched every single f1 race, and can see that those drivers stomp on the throttle immediately when exiting corners. With TC off they take it very smoothly. This is what racing should be.

BF1 without Traction Control
(18 posts, started )