The online racing simulator
Download Rates??
(7 posts, started )
Download Rates??
Hi Guys, sorry if this is in the wrong place.

But... I havent reached my bandwidth cap for many many months... one month (3 weeks actually) of LFS and i've been capped. I have increased my cap but i am just curious what the download rate (not sure if thats even the right name) is. I currently play on CTRA and live in South Africa...

#2 - Bean0
I wouldn't have thought the actual playing of LFS would use up that much bandwidth.

If you are auto-downloading a lot of car and helmet skins this could eat into your limit at quite a rate though.
Can't look now, but I'd imagine it would be something like a constant 3 to 7KB/s downstream, depending on how busy the server is. That would equal about 10 to 25MB download per hour playtime. Of course the download of skins also adds to that.
#4 - Bean0
Quote from AndroidXP :Can't look now, but I'd imagine it would be something like a constant 3 to 7KB/s downstream, depending on how busy the server is. That would equal about 10 to 25MB download per hour playtime. Of course the download of skins also adds to that.

Would upload be the same ?

ISPs now tend to include upload and download in their limits.
Nah, upload would be much smaller, as you only need to send your packets, whereas downloads include the general race control packets and the position packets of all other drivers.
Quote from AndroidXP :Can't look now, but I'd imagine it would be something like a constant 3 to 7KB/s downstream, depending on how busy the server is. That would equal about 10 to 25MB download per hour playtime. Of course the download of skins also adds to that.

i think its the skins.. it downloads skins constantly when im playing! is there a way to turn unnecessary downloads off... although, i suppose if im very new at LFS id be downloading everyones skins, but at some stage, it'll stop downloading cause ill have downloaded most already ?!?!
well i would say its the skins and the setups , because if you ask maybe setup you also need to get them

for example i am now playing lfs from s1 and my lfs directory is about 4gb, skins , setup everything ...

so i donloaded most of that 3.5gb in the game.

but every byte is a good space taker

Download Rates??
(7 posts, started )