The online racing simulator
Quote from DeadWolfBones : We can't change the rules mid-race.

Quote from DeadWolfBones :I was uncomfortable with altering the rule on the fly (as I always am) but the situation seemed pressing.

If nobody can see the problem.....

I give up. Obviously there are certain people that can't admit that they are wrong and will keep arguing forever. It's not worth my time. For those of you benefiting from these types of decisions, that's cool, you'll have a great season. For the ones getting screwed, just go find a different league. It's not worth the aggravation for anybody.

Corey the above 2 quotes are inconsistent. If they were consistent they would say the same thing. The 2 incidents were entirely different. The problem is that a person was told that the reason for the decision was because there will be no rule changes. That person took that as the final answer. Maybe a better explanation would of helped at the time. Now we are here, those same people that took that for their answer are now reading that the admins can change stuff whenever they like. Which makes them feel short changed that their incident didn't even warrant a decent explanation but simply a quick answer citing rule changing. Take it for what you will, my eye's don't lie to me. I'm trying to get the admins to realize that whatever they say can harm them later. That's why they need to be consistent in their statements.
You know what, forget it. There used to be a long post here lambasting some people for their actions here and continuing the argument, but I believe in 'if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all' in these situations. Nothing I could say can counteract an argument that wandered away from having any point long ago and I can only make this situation worse.
To make it short:
I agree that the decision is wrong not following a rule in the middle of the race. If the rule is not good, you should change it after the race.

It´s bad manner to sacrifice one team in favour of the others and if the whole field can´t race wilh cold tyres, it´s their problem, not the TDRTs problem or the admins.

If the drivers are not able to drive with cold tyres, they should not be allowed to participate.

My advice: Race admins, Never interfere in the races. Only when rules are clearly and without question not obeyed and the normal race conduct as described in the general race description. You are just making confusion and injustice to someone and in the end you will loose confidence and respect!
Quote from rcpilot :You know what, forget it. There used to be a long post here lambasting some people for their actions here and continuing the argument, but I believe in 'if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all' in these situations. Nothing I could say can counteract an argument that wandered away from having any point long ago and I can only make this situation worse.

So basically you're telling me that you either a) can't argue a point and keep it civil or b) don't a valid arguing point to begin with.

Let me put it so plainly that a child could understand:

- I have not taken sides.
- I have not "lambasted" or bashed any admin or team or anybody else, ever.
- I have not ever been directly involved in an incident with anybody or any rule in the IGTC.

- I have praised the admins for doing the best that they can.
- I have provided proof that their is an inconsistency in the way rules are handled.
- I have merely offered a suggestion for the future.

Everybody keeps trying to turn this into a "A vs. B" thing and it isn't. I came here of my own free will. I read this forum on my own. I have never been directly involved with an incident that had anything to do with my team or any other. If a driver from my team has a legitimate gripe with anybody then it is their place to argue it not mine. What's done is done so there's no point in trying to change the past. I'm looking towards the future and what can be done to prevent another fiasco from happening. If you guys don't want to accept suggestions maybe you should make that a rule as well. I would of left this thread after one post if I had been told "thanks, we will work on it because it's a problem". Oh no, you guys had to turn it into what it is because you either don't want help or you can't see the obvious discrepancy written in your very own words.

I ask that the next time you feel the undying need to hit the reply button, that you take the time to actually read all the posts.
Having read Corey's post before he deleted it, I'm pretty sure that it's option c) he didn't want to fan the increasingly redundant flames here.
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Having read Corey's post before he deleted it, I'm pretty sure that it's option c) he didn't want to fan the increasingly redundant flames here.

It still doesn't negate the fact that I was only offering a suggestion from a neutral standpoint. Everybody seems to want to turn it into something else. It's obvious that my help is not wanted and it seems that its actually frowned upon. Silly me thinking I could save you guys some grief by covering yourselves from a very minor flaw. I know its hard to do what you are doing and you are doing the best that you can with what you have to work with. Good luck in the future.

EDIT: The only thing making this conversation redundant is the fact that one half is not accepting the proof and the other half is having a hard time understanding why. Further, I have yet to flame a single person, so I have to think that it wasn't option c) after all. Stop making this a "us against them". Stop skirting the issue. Every time I come up with yet another way to explain it, you skirt it and turn it into something else like you did above. Address the issue and I'll happily leave this thread and we can get on with the pizza and beer.
Quote from S k i p p y :Every time I come up with yet another way to explain it, you skirt it and turn it into something else like you did above.

The reason I didn't reply coincides with this. You've blamed other people for perpetuating arguments, yet here we are arguing about something from one month ago. And it's not that you've brought up other ways to explain it, your team has presented multiple completely unrelated arguments just in order to extend this argument and there doesn't seem to be any central point. I call that arguing just for the sake of argument. That is why I'm getting tired of this and leaving this thread. I will admit, this last point is a good one but it's also naive to hold one of several admins to a quick reply he made in the middle of a race dealing with an entirely different type of situation, that wasn't even the right answer to the original question, and isn't covered in the official rules. And it's also naive to say your team accepted that answer and moved on, the argument continued last month over several more pages.

And if you really want to talk about perpetuating arguments and choosy reading.

1. You butchered your comprehension of my post and took it personally.
2. You dropped it, I dropped it, yet, we're still here? I would've preferred just leaving this alone but I don't like words being put in my mouth.
First of all that comment was not even aimed at you because I don't need you to agree with me.

Quote from rcpilot :The reason I didn't reply coincides with this. You've blamed other people for perpetuating arguments, yet here we are arguing about something from one month ago.

See there's your problem. I'm not talking about one month ago. I was using it as an example at best. I was talking about the flip flopping that is being done and the grief it is bringing the admins.
Quote from rcpilot : And it's not that you've brought up other ways to explain it, your team has presented multiple completely unrelated arguments just in order to extend this argument and there doesn't seem to be any central point.

There you go again lumping me in with every one else. If you can't see the point I'm trying to make, I don't know what to tell you. The point I was making, in no less that half a dozen ways, was to help the admins not argue with them. I could care less what happened a month ago, its water under the bridge. The problem with this is that now there has been a flip-flop in the middle of a race instead of holding off for future rounds.
Quote from rcpilot :I will admit, this last point is a good one but it's also naive to hold one of several admins to a quick reply he made in the middle of a race dealing with an entirely different type of situation, that wasn't even the right answer to the original question, and isn't covered in the official rules.

I am not holding any admin to any reply that he made in the heat of the moment. I am trying to point out a flaw that needs to be covered in the future to prevent such an argument. The only reason I used those 2 quotes was to point out a discrepancy that needs to be fixed in the future. If you can't see that I am trying to help you guys for the future, then you are the one that is naive.
Quote from rcpilot :And it's also naive to say your team accepted that answer and moved on, the argument continued last month over several more pages.

If you would take a moment to go back and look at that thread you will see that I took no part in that argument. Again, you are turning this into a "us against them" scenario when it isn't.
Quote from rcpilot : 1. You butchered your comprehension of my post and took it personally.

Don't tell me how my comprehension should work. I took it like I took it and that is it. If you wish to be a bit more tactile that is fine but don't blame for how i interpret your post. That is unless you are willing to explain every little detail of your post so that I don't take it the wrong way.
Quote from rcpilot : 2. You dropped it, I dropped it, yet, we're still here? I would've preferred just leaving this alone but I don't like words being put in my mouth.

I would prefer for someone to say "ok". I mean ffs, I've stated throughout this deal that I was offering a suggestion for the future. To which I've been greeted with hostility and condescending attitudes. I don't care what happened last Saturday, I don't care what happened last month. I care about the ability to race in the future with a rule set that's not going to be changed in mid-stride. Did it affect me this time? No. Could it affect me at some point? Yes.

For what its worth I never put any words in your mouth. I made an assumption based on my comprehension of your post. Just like you've made an assumption that I've come here to bash admins and create a ruckus. Never mind the fact that I've stated over and over that I was making a suggestion and not a demand.

Between admins that care less what the common person thinks, helpful or not, and people like you that can't, no matter how plainly I put it, comprehend what I'm trying to do here civilly - I've decided that you nor the admins nor the IGTC deserve any more of my time. Which is probably without a doubt what you want to hear anyway.
This thread is closed