Before anything is said: this only affects players that use manual clutch and drive with keyboard only. In some cases manual clutch + mouse + keyboard.
What is Pre-Select shifting method?
It's how I call the shifting method that was used in X patch. You pressed the "Shift Up" or "Shift Down" buttons how many times you wanted - game "remembered" it, but didn't change gear until you clutched. So, if you were in 5th, pressed "Shift Down" two times (still in 5th gear), then clutched, you ended up in 3rd gear. Skipping one gear - I'll come back to that later. Same with up shifting.
Why add it?
Technical reasons (and I liked it better). Some, if not many, keyboards have a keypress limitation. Limiting the number of keys that can be pressed at the same time (but to work properly) to three. Meaning, if you pressed fourth key it wouldn't register.
In Y patch, you must shift differently - press AND hold "Shift Up" or "Shift Down" then clutch to change gear. For a keyboarder, a car approaching a turn this means: brake + turn + shift down + clutch (+ blip in some cases). That's 4-5 buttons at the same time.
With pre-select, need to hold "Shift Up"/"Shift Down" while clutching is eliminated because key press was "remembered". So it would look like this: shift down, brake + turn + clutch (+ blip in some cases). That's 3-4 buttons at the same time. Manageable.
- About skipping one gear: if it's a problem (might be considered as an advantage or a cheat) then limit the shifting so it must go 5-4-3 without skipping.
How to implement:
(just an idea)
In Options -> Driver, add a "Gear shift method" (or whatever) toggle button bellow "Auto clutch:" (it appears only if Auto clutch: [no]). Button toggles between normal/pre-select (or whatever).
Here's a link to some post I found with info about keypress limitation - 1st post has a PDF attached with technical explanation why it happens. Post bellow explains a good way to "solve" keypress limitation problem - redefine your keys :P
Thanks for reading
What is Pre-Select shifting method?
It's how I call the shifting method that was used in X patch. You pressed the "Shift Up" or "Shift Down" buttons how many times you wanted - game "remembered" it, but didn't change gear until you clutched. So, if you were in 5th, pressed "Shift Down" two times (still in 5th gear), then clutched, you ended up in 3rd gear. Skipping one gear - I'll come back to that later. Same with up shifting.
Why add it?
Technical reasons (and I liked it better). Some, if not many, keyboards have a keypress limitation. Limiting the number of keys that can be pressed at the same time (but to work properly) to three. Meaning, if you pressed fourth key it wouldn't register.
In Y patch, you must shift differently - press AND hold "Shift Up" or "Shift Down" then clutch to change gear. For a keyboarder, a car approaching a turn this means: brake + turn + shift down + clutch (+ blip in some cases). That's 4-5 buttons at the same time.
With pre-select, need to hold "Shift Up"/"Shift Down" while clutching is eliminated because key press was "remembered". So it would look like this: shift down, brake + turn + clutch (+ blip in some cases). That's 3-4 buttons at the same time. Manageable.
- About skipping one gear: if it's a problem (might be considered as an advantage or a cheat) then limit the shifting so it must go 5-4-3 without skipping.
How to implement:
(just an idea)
In Options -> Driver, add a "Gear shift method" (or whatever) toggle button bellow "Auto clutch:" (it appears only if Auto clutch: [no]). Button toggles between normal/pre-select (or whatever).
Here's a link to some post I found with info about keypress limitation - 1st post has a PDF attached with technical explanation why it happens. Post bellow explains a good way to "solve" keypress limitation problem - redefine your keys :P
Thanks for reading