This is completely untested code, but it should get you close to where you want to be. It also stores laptimes and sectors (if that's what they are) as text. Ideally you should convert Split1-Split7 into milliseconds and store them as numeric. I reckon you'll be capable of that kind of modification though.
(Re-posted due to glaring error)
' *************************************************************
' * Reads LFS Lapper PB.txt and feeds content into a database *
' *************************************************************
' To use this ASP page, you will need the following:
' 1) A connection string to connect to your database.
' 2) A database table with the following structure. Default
' values should do (untested)
' RecordID, Text, key, no duplicates
' Username, Text
' PlyName, Text
' TotLaps, Numeric
' LastDate, Text
' LastTime, Text
' Car, Text
' LapTime, Text
' Track, Text
' Split1, Text
' Split2, Text
' Split3, Text
' Split4, Text
' Split5, Text
' Split6, Text
' Split7, Text
' 3) The full path to your PB.txt file, or its location in
' your website directory.
' *************************************************************
' Don't allow other pages to query the database table while Application("dbConnHold")=true
' strFileName = Server.MapPath("/PB.txt") ' Uncomment and correct if PB.txt is available in your website directory.
strFileName = "C:\PathTo\YourLapper\PB.txt"
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set TS = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFileName, 1, False)
DitchContent=DoSQLCommand("DELETE FROM database.Table") ' Wipe the existing data from the database, ready to read in new content.
If DitchContent <> True Then
Response.Write("Database connection problem. Operation cancelled.")
Application("dbConnHold")=false ' Release the database table for reading by other pages.
End If
If Not TS.AtEndOfStream Then
NotUsed = TS.ReadLine ' Ditch the first line. It's not part of the driver records.
Do While Not TS.AtendOfStream
' Read each record block into memory. Since we know the uniform structure of records in PB.txt, we can uniformly read in the correct number of lines in a cycle.
Username = TS.ReadLine
PlyName = TS.ReadLine
TotLaps = TS.ReadLine
LastDate = TS.ReadLine
LastTime = TS.ReadLine
Car = TS.ReadLine
LapTime = TS.ReadLine
Track = TS.ReadLine
Split1 = TS.ReadLine
Split2 = TS.ReadLine
Split3 = TS.ReadLine
Split4 = TS.ReadLine
Split5 = TS.ReadLine
Split6 = TS.ReadLine
Split7 = TS.ReadLine
RecordID = Username & ":" & Track & ":" & Car
If Username <> "" Then ' No username error
' Place the record into the database.
AddUser=DoSQLCommand("INSERT INTO database.Table VALUES('" & RecordID & "','" & Username & "','" & PlyName &"','" & TotLaps & "','" & LastDate & "','" & LastTime & "','" & Car & "','" & LapTime & "','" & Track & "','" & Split1 & "','" & Split2 & "','" & Split3 & "','" & Split4 & "','" & Split5 & "','" & Split6 & "','" & Split7 "')")
If AddUser <> True Then
Response.Write("Could not add user information. Operation cancelled.")
Application("dbConnHold")=false ' Release the database table for reading by other pages.
End If
End If
Response.Write("Cannot access PB.txt or PB.txt is empty. Operation cancelled.")
Application("dbConnHold")=false ' Release the database table for reading by other pages.
End If ' Not TS.AtEndOfStream
Set TS = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
Application("dbConnHold")=false ' Release the database table for reading by other pages.
Function DoSQLCommand(SQLCommand)
Set DoSQL_cmd = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
DoSQL_cmd.ActiveConnection = strConnectionString
DoSQL_cmd.CommandText = SQLCommand
DoSQL_cmd.Prepared = true
On Error Resume Next
Set DoSQL = DoSQL_cmd.Execute
DoSQL_numRows = 0
' Handle any errors
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
DoSQLCommand = Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
DoSQLCommand = true
End If
Set DoSQL = Nothing
End Function
[edit] Rather than deleting the database content every time and re-writing it, you could use the following code to create new records and update old ones:
AddUser=DoSQLCommand("INSERT INTO database.Table VALUES('" & RecordID & "','" & Username & "','" & PlyName &"','" & TotLaps & "','" & LastDate & "','" & LastTime & "','" & Car & "','" & LapTime & "','" & Track & "','" & Split1 & "','" & Split2 & "','" & Split3 & "','" & Split4 & "','" & Split5 & "','" & Split6 & "','" & Split7 "') ON DUPLICATE KEY SET PlyName='" & PlyName & "', TotLaps='" & TotLaps & "', LastDate='" & LastDate & "', LastTime='" & LastTime & "', LapTime='" & LapTime & "', Track='" & Track & "', Split1='" & Split1 & "', Split2='" & Split2 & "', Split3='" & Split3 & "', Split4='" & Split4 & "', Split5='" & Split5 & "', Split6='" & Split6 & "', Split7='" & Split7 & "'")
If you do that, you should comment out the lines
DitchContent=DoSQLCommand("DELETE FROM database.Table")
If DitchContent <> True Then
Response.Write("Database connection problem. Operation cancelled.")
Application("dbConnHold")=false ' Release the database table for reading by other pages.
End If
Plus there's less need to hold other pages up if they want to query this table (Application("dbConnHold")).