Donnington-Motogp this sunday
(24 posts, started )
#1 - Tango
Donnington-Motogp this sunday
anyone know the best spots for viewing/photography,im making my first visit and would appreciate any tips from you folks who have been to Donnington before.
Big thanks in advance,
#2 - Dru
Quote from Tango :anyone know the best spots for viewing/photography,im making my first visit and would appreciate any tips from you folks who have been to Donnington before.
Big thanks in advance,

Bottom of the Cramer Curves
Inside the Craners is undoubtedly the best place as you get the fastest sequence of corners, you can see more of the track than anywhere else and you have the best access to other parts of the track.

The inside of the T1 exit which is very close to the track (under the Spitfire) and usually not too busy so would be good to get some close up shots.

You can also cut through fairly quickly to the start/finish straight, so you could watch the start then dash back to the Craners for the rest of the race.

Of course it'll help if you're extremely good at barging through the crowds
Totally agree, inside the craner curves is a great place as said. You'll have a fantastic time. I have tickets too but don't think I can make it
send em to me
Quote from BenjiMC :send em to me

I'll take em too! Now about airfare...

Would love to see Toseland do well at home! It will also be interesting to see how Spies does his first time out.
Toseland on the podium and Bradley Smith for his first win. You heard it here first

McLeans is my favoured spot for spectating after Craner.
#9 - Tango
where you get close to the track,arent they high fences which would spoil any pictures? picture opportunities look good at the foggy chicane and the melbourne hairpin dont they?
TIA again!
The best view i got from the hairpin was this one tbh...

The end side of the loop is about 50+m away from the track with its big gravel trap. The other side is about the same as where i shot this video, from what i can remember.
To the left of the Spitfire there is a marshal area with no fences, you can get a clean view of the track there.

You can see it on oningtonPark.jpg&h=480&w=800&sz=52&hl=en&start=7&um=1&tbnid=HFdD_87tUsTCgM:&tbnh=86&tbnw=143&prev=/images%3Fq%3Ddonington%2Bspitfire%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dopera%26rls%3Den%26sa%3DG" target="_blank">this photo.

Oh yeah, there's a similar spot on the inside of Redgate/T1 I think. I think this is it.

And what Ben says about the Melbourne hairpin is spot on from what I remember.

Have a good one. You'd better get some bloody good pictures for us now
Quote from BenjiMC :send em to me

do you live close? if I cant go it will be a very last minute thing....
Quote from StableX :do you live close? if I cant go it will be a very last minute thing....

West midlands?
Quote from The Moose :Toseland on the podium and Bradley Smith for his first win. You heard it here first

Remember to never ask me for a prediction in the future
had a great day out but im real Knackered at the mo but couldnt resist looking at a few of my pics.the best one is easily this shot,congrats Scott Redding and what a pic if i can say so myself
Attached images
Quote from Tango :howdy,
had a great day out but im real Knackered at the mo but couldnt resist looking at a few of my pics.the best one is easily this shot,congrats Scott Redding and what a pic if i can say so myself

That is quite a pic, bet you could get it printed somewhere
If you have it in high res, put it on deviantart for printing nice pic btw. Saved into my archive of racing pics
awesome pic
Great shot!

Rough weekend for Toseland. Here is hoping he rebounds well at Assen!

I would love to see what Spies could do with back to back starts, but it seems Loris will be healthy enough to run
Not where you want the bike to be during a crash. It has a tendency to take a bit longer to stop than you.
the rain on the previous day meant he slid away as the bike dug in,just his pride hurt.was a great day out but when it comes to getting pics,you have very few decent places.
I went straight to the inside of turn 1 which filled up very quickly and was nearly impossibe to track the bike before it appeared from behind the fence.after the warm up i went down to the craner curves which definately was the best spot for pics.For the GP race, i met a mate up at starkeys bar and although a great spot to view(and very popular/busy) pics were spoilt again by the fence.
Shame that they need fences to keep the fans off the track. they didnt work too well as fans were track side as stoner passed under the bridge in front of starkeys on the last lap,very dissapointed and suprised that there has been no mention about that,they could jeopardise the future of the British GP if it happens again.
Wow that was a nice pic! I watched some MotoGP for the first time today(re-run). And I was surprised with how interesting it could get.

Donnington-Motogp this sunday
(24 posts, started )