Some very nice backgrounds you made there

- though I have to be honest, I don't like all of the screens. Hope you don't mind some constructive criticism.
bkg_entry - Very good in general, though I'm not so much a fan of the FXO personally
bkg_garage - Love it
bkg_lesson - Okay I suppose, it's not like I ever spend any time there
bkg_training - See bkg_lesson
bkg_multi - Excellent
bkg_credits - Nice
Good, would be too cluttered/saturated if I spent considerable amounts of time in this menu, but I don't, so all is fine
Far too bright, blinds me every time I open it. Also the pink... meh
Nice try, but it looks horrible IMO. Simulating a wrapper for the input buttons is a good idea, but it could be much better; for example how they don't seem to fit exactly under the buttons, which is avoidable when you know the target resolution.
Visually this screen is just a huge mess, there's too much going on and the piss yellow text (that looks ok on the other screens/areas) doesn't help this one at all. Considering how often you come by this one, it is absolutely important to look pleasing, which it doesn't.
Nice idea, but it doesn't really work for me. Looks too much like spaghetti, and overall it seems like something is off. Can't put the finger on it, just a feeling.
With regards to the overall package (assuming it is meant to be used as complete pack), I get the feeling that it isn't consistent/streamlined enough throughout the different screens. Every screen seems to have a different theme or different things you tried out at that point, so everything doesn't really fit together. For me the garage and multiplayer screens are definite keepers though, whereas the setup, options and track one have to go.
Very good effort and quality, but it's "dragged down" a lot by a few bad apples in my opinion.