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Nestle Boycott reaches 31
(20 posts, started )
Nestle Boycott reaches 31
Ok, I don't know how many are aware of this but the Nestle boycott reaches it's 31st birthday tomorrow. So the question is does anyone here support it, or considering it's gone on for 31 ears now, do you think it's a waste of time.

Couple of links for those unaware of the boycott.Personally I try to adhere to it, it's not always easy and at times I lapse into buying Nestle product. I also try to get people around me to do the same, and it was a hell of a time with the ex, when she kept bringing back Nestle product....:arge:
#2 - ajp71
Looking at the list today I've had:
3 cups of Nescafe coffee
A bowl of Shreddies
2 kit kats
A bottle of Vittel water
My dogs had Winalot
...and my cat has had Go-Cat
#3 - wark
I'd like to take this moment to say that Nestlé chocolate doesn't even taste like chocolate... the Schweizers should be ashamed.
I heard this the other day in a song by Dan Le Sac, thou shalt not kill.......

Humour me.........why boycott nestle?
Quote from danowat :Humour me.........why boycott nestle?

I think it's mostly because of their marketing of baby formula in Africa (don't know if this makes them quite as bad as the Catholic church though, and nobody seems to bad-mouth Catholics).

I don't think I buy any of their products, don't really eat chocolate either. They're a big employer here in York though since they bought Rowntrees. Shame, because Joseph Rowntree was a full-on philanthropist.
Been going longer than I have been alive, and I've never heard anything about it.

TBH, there are probably bigger, nastier corps around anyway...........
Quote from danowat :Been going longer than I have been alive, and I've never heard anything about it.

TBH, there are probably bigger, nastier corps around anyway...........

Dunno about measuring nastiness, but I imagine you'd be hard pressed to find a genuinely nice multinational corporation.
Quote from danowat :I heard this the other day in a song by Dan Le Sac, thou shalt not kill.......

Humour me.........why boycott nestle?

As stated it's because they convinced African mothers that formula milk is better than breast milk for their kids, when in fact the water used to make the milk is so dirty that it harmed the kids. In the end the kids died because of Nestle instance that their own brand of formula milk was better, while making a tidy profit from it. Since then there has been a boycott of Nestle product, mainly up and down the student halls of America and UK, but has been taken up by some companies as well.

Thats it basically in a nutshell.
How is it nestle's fault that africa water is gross? Aren't the babies going to grow up and drink the nasty ass water anyway? Malnourished, starving mothers drinking poop water probably don't make any better breast milk than nestle does.
Quote from flymike91 :How is it nestle's fault that africa water is gross? Aren't the babies going to grow up and drink the nasty ass water anyway? Malnourished, starving mothers drinking poop water probably don't make any better breast milk than nestle does.

I think we have a future Nestle CEO.
#11 - Dru
Quote from Crashgate3 :I think we have a future Nestle CEO.

a geniune LOL for the first time in a few weeks thanks
#12 - wien
Quote from flymike91 :...

Yep. That's the most condescending thing I've heard come out of anyone's mouth in a good long while. I hope the weather is good up there on your pedestal.
I only drink Maxwell House, the coffee of real men! (Plus it has singing firemen in the ad. What's not to like?)

As I'm diabetic, Nestle chocolates are gone too.

I eat Coco Pops for breakfast, Kellogs FTW!

My dog eats...I don't know, but it isn't Nestle

So I'm supporting this boycott, involuntarily!
I'm surprised everyone hasn't added flymike to their block list yet.
#15 - wark
Quote from DeadWolfBones :I'm surprised everyone hasn't added flymike to their block list yet.

I will if he likes NASCAR!
Didn't know the boycott was that old, but anyhow I don't buy any of their products. Come to think of it I rarely buy packaged produce from non-local brandnames and especially as far foodstuffs go I try to avoid packaged stuff period.
31 years? It's been really successful so far then, huh? Cause you can't buy Nestle products any more. Oh wait...

Actually maybe that was a little unfair. If there's something wrong with their baby formula then that definitely needs addressed and I'm shocked it hasn't already. We have trading standards for a reason.
Must be a sad bunch of people that continue this boycott... And a sad bunch of people that block someone on a forum for having an opposing point of view.
woah now its just important to look at both sides of an issue. I don't know much about this boycott except what I read in the wiki article i'm just playing devil's advocate for the sake of a rounded argument. btw wtf is nascar I only know about jerriffting
#20 - wark
Anyway, all baby formulas are bad. It'd be healthier for the child to go hungry--in the long run. Better to be hungry than poisoned.

And Nestlé basically just peddles c-rations and astronaut food, so boycotting them isn't exactly giving anything up for lent...

Nestle Boycott reaches 31
(20 posts, started )