The online racing simulator
Mike's Layouts
(11 posts, started )
Mike's Layouts
Hello guys, in this thread I will present all my layouts I ever made and will make.

Drifting Circuit (AU1 - Autocross)
I don't think it's good... Regular drift layout.

Download: AU1_^5DRIFT^7Curcuit^3-by-Mike.lyt

Nadeo's & Mike's Touge (FE3R - Fern Bay Gold Reversed)
I didn't do this layout myself. I made it with my friend Nadeo...
Was a lot of fun on this layout. Hope someone will like it.

More information... (download, previews etc.)
By the way in the thread is FE4R, but actually it's layout on Fern Bay Gold, so rename it to FE3R_... .

Kaido TimeAttack (FE3R - Fern Bay Gold Reversed)
This layout is remake of Nadeo's & Mike's Touge. It was remade to make it little easier to drive and I deleted all lines and substituted them by long bariers... This all was made because I used it for one special event and I called it ,,Kaido TimeAttack". Kaido means in Japanese something like a path or a road, a way. The event was about to make the fastest lap on this layout with GTR cars. Till now, there's a lap record 1:12.35 with FXR. Here is a replay of the hotlap, if someone wants: kaido (dravgunov ) 11235.spr
It's really crazy fast lap... Have fun.

Download: FE3R_^3Kaido^7TimeAttack.lyt

KY GP Long Rev PRO Drift Layout (KY3R - Kyoto GP Long Reversed)
I like this layout very much. Think it's one pretty good.

More information... (download, previews etc.)

Westhill Short Touge Circuit (WE1R - Westhill International Reversed)
If you are bored of long Westhill track, you can go to the first corner and you can immediately drift on this short touge layout .

Download normal version: WE1R_^7Touge^4Layout.lyt
Download reversed version: WE1R_^7Touge^4Layout^3Reversed.lyt


Autocross Gymkhana Course (AU1 - Autocross Autocross)
Gymkhana is a slalom combination of parts, which you should go over sideways (drift) or straight (racing) to run the best possible time.

This is actually some months old layout. I used it for one event of our community. The best time driven on it ever is 0:43.21 by me.

Download: AU1_Gymkhana Course by Mike.lyt

If I will make any other interesting layout, I will add it here and I will post info about update . Enjoy!
Attached images
Attached files
AU1_^5DRIFT^7Curcuit^3-by-Mike.lyt - 2 KB - 1557 views
FE3R_^3Kaido^7TimeAttack.lyt - 2 KB - 1348 views
kaido (dravgunov ) 11235.spr - 57 KB - 827 views
WE1R_^7Touge^4Layout.lyt - 1.5 KB - 1003 views
WE1R_^7Touge^4Layout^3Reversed.lyt - 1.4 KB - 798 views
AU1_Gymkhana Course by Mike.lyt - 700 B - 783 views
Very nice preview and nice layouts!
You may not have noticed this but your autocros dfrift layoput is one rocking MRT-5 race track
Red Rider
Quote from LFSn00b :A Few parts of the KaidoAttack layout looks similar to what i made back in '07...

100% inspired by nothing. It was made from zero. Believe or not, I hate copiers.
Gymkhana Course added, check out 1st post.
Nice layout's mike
Quote from Drift King CZ :This is actually some months old layout. I used it for one event of our community. The best time driven on it ever is 0:43.21 by me.

Mike, would you mind sending me a PM or posting how you were able to keep records of these runs? I'd like to do something similar with my layouts but I'm new to LFS still and haven't really gotten down and dirty with hosting online. I assume these were all run at different times ... was only one person on the server at a time?
Nevermind ... I got online with a friend and we got it all sorted. Thanks.
Quote from TouringBubble :Mike, would you mind sending me a PM or posting how you were able to keep records of these runs? I'd like to do something similar with my layouts but I'm new to LFS still and haven't really gotten down and dirty with hosting online. I assume these were all run at different times ... was only one person on the server at a time?

Unfortunately I don't have the fastest run. We forgot to save replay . But I have a little slower, older best. But never mind, we can try online sometimes.

Mike's Layouts
(11 posts, started )