LFSBC Season Two PreSeason GetTogether Pre-Discussion
Hello racers !

This thread is to be the schedule for the Season 2 get together, and for comments and questions on how it'll go.

Instead of spending hours and hours racing, I'm thinking of doing 30 minute open practices on each combo, in the season order.

Comments are welcome, as well as questions. Please be sure to make sure everyone on the signups sheet knows about this and also feel free to get others to sign up as well, we can still use more racers !

I like this idea. But finding an hour when everybody can play may be difficult
The scheduled start time for this season calendar event will start at the same time as the rest of the races - 19:00 UTC (7 pm).

There will be a full hour's practice at the combo for the first round as part of this get-together. FP1 will be from 1900-2000 UTC, then the rest of the combos will be sorted through for the 30-minute FPs.

I should be there. Looking forward to meeting the new Beginners Cup racers.
Is there any kind of a team entry / competion?
#6 - J@tko
Ok just asking
#8 - J@tko
Quote from thesloth :Ok just asking

Haha sorry for putting it a bit bluntly

I couldn't think of anything else to write

I wasn't like bein mean or anythin
Quote from thesloth :Is there any kind of a team entry / competion?

Quote from J@tko :No.

what an honest answer...

But, I'm sure Jack'll agree with me on this, that IF there were teams / entrants were to gladly team up, one could be arranged
Last season there was no official one but we decided to organize an unofficial one. :P

So like hyntty said, you can still get some guys to make teams and start an unofficial team championship within LFSBC.
So 30 minutes of each combo, that means to say 3H30 of practice non-stop, from 8:00 to 11:30? That's it? Sorry, that too long for me. If I do that, my parents will think I am really crazy. Maybe I can do 3 or 4 sessions, but that's all I think.

EDIT : 7H00 UTC, that's 8H00 in the continent?
Okay, official Saturday Schedule:

19:00 UTC: Round 1 Free Practice 1 (Officially Timed) 45 minutes | BL1 / XFG+ XRG
19:50 UTC: 20 minutes Free Practice (Unofficially Timed) | FE1 / UF1
20:15 UTC: 20 minutes Free Practice (Unofficially Timed) | KY2 / TBO
20:40 UTC: 20 minutes Free Practice (Unofficially Timed) | AS3 / FOX
21:05 UTC: 20 minutes Free Practice (Unofficially Timed) | AS1 /B-FBM (45%)
21:30 UTC: 20 minutes Free Practice (Unofficially Timed) | BL2R / XFR/XRG
21:55 UTC: 30 minutes Free Practice (Unofficially Timed) | AS4 / GT2

NOTE: You DO NOT have to attend all of it, but I would much appreciate it if everyone would attend the 1900 UTC officialy timed free practice session, so that I might be able to see everyone's driving, and maybe throw a practice Safety car in there somewhere.

The more you can attend, the better. The very first one will count as Free Practice 1 for round 1.

OK, one more question : what about skins? I was on holidays the 3 next weeks, so I hadn't time to make skins for FOX and FBM. So can I use public skins for the momment?
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :OK, one more question : what about skins? I was on holidays the 3 next weeks, so I hadn't time to make skins for FOX and FBM. So can I use public skins for the momment?

That works. As long as your skin for the Free Practice one meets series regulations, you're fine. The rest of hte sessions are for fun.

Will you be using Ventrilo during the GetTogether. Just never used it before so I'm hoping I've set it up correctly.
I might be able to make some of it, but I mightn't be able to drove, depending on where I am, and I almost definitely won't be able to stay for all of it...supposed to be at my nan's for the day, but I can still use my laptop
Quote from thesloth :Will you be using Ventrilo during the GetTogether. Just never used it before so I'm hoping I've set it up correctly.

Yes, we will be using Ventrilo.

We are using the Fragmaster Ventrilo server (thanks to them) So feel free to stop in anytime during the day to give it a check. Find out how to connect by going to fragmaster.net/vt.

I'm often in there, especially in the evening hours East Coast US Time.

Do you have to be on vent?
I can make the 3PM timed practice, but not sure about the rest. And a question:

Has our Ventrilo server been setup? If so, I'd like the info. :P
Quote from gremwood :Has our Ventrilo server been setup? If so, I'd like the info. :P

Yep, ta to our friends at Fragmaster

Info attached.

EDIT: Oh ****ing hell sod it. I wont be there, cos Ive just been told we're going away tomorrow night for the entire weekend.

Sorry guys - have fun though
Attached images
vent info.JPG
OK, finally I succeed to finish the FBM and FOX skins... I just want to know if the numbers are in the good places
Attached images
Yes, they are fine
#24 - CSF
I think I will miss the offical session tomorrow. Sorry, but I'm very tied up at the moment.

Was going to say something in the VT just now... but...er... didn't want to interupt 2March attempting to explain something to aj.
Reminder, this is today !

I won't be passwording the server, most likely, unless we get complete n00bs in and need to.

Server in use will be FRO|FormulaRacing|1GP

Server currently set to BF1 / KY3, but will be switched to BL1 in time.
