How is it ok to name kids bazzare names? Some you can let go, but Sex fruit?
Ok, imagine an F1 race, or soccer match on tv, do you really think they can keep saying "SEX FRUIT SCORES!!!" or "Sex fruit passes fish and chips on the inside, BUT WAIT!!!! SUPERMAN PASSES THEM STRAIGHT THROUGH THE MIDDLE WHILE 4REAL is loosing the pack.
They would get teased in school. Having the name sex fruit, do you really think someone would hire them to work. Name Tag: Sex Fruit. ??
What if the kid wants to grow up being president of a country and becomes very well suited for it. President Fish and Chips?
If you think its up to the parents, it is, but at the same time, common sense.
IMO, its true, they should name their kids whatever they want, but the fact is, you cant in this world today.