The online racing simulator
RFC: Team Rules/Guidelines/Limits
All -

The issue has come up recently of drivers who were not initially listed as the team's drivers (as per oneGP forums) coming in to race for that team. I would like comment from Team Managers and series drivers alike as to how teams should be handled for the oneGP F1 World Series.

To my interpretation, it is not stated in the rules that there is a limit on drivers. A reread may make this evident, but I would like all to rethink the team setup in oneGP.

I do wish to keep the Team Manager system intack - it's a brilliant idea. However, for clerical clarity and consistency of racing, I would like to hear comment on how to limit/restrict who can drive.

I would think two primary drivers (as in, the entrants for the team by default) who are slated to be at every round, plus two or three test drivers/reserve drivers able to fill in in the event a primary driver cannot attend an event.

This issue is well open to discussion, and I'm interested in hearing comments from anyone in the matter. Official amendment to the rules is not in at this stage.

Thanks for help in this,
For now, I think putting a restriction on who can drive will cause more harm than good. We're not really overflowing with drivers yet so I think it's good to get who we can.
#3 - Mazar
The following is the drivers contract of the oneGP group.

I think you can see clearly from this what the oneGP founders intended for 'teams' to mean. As any driver coming into a team would be for a minimum of 3 rounds it would have specifically prevented many of the ''issues'' experienced over recent round with drivers swapping teams, single race standin's and drivers racing for alternate teams every round.

Best, Maz



This document is the basis for any contract between Team Manager and their associated Drivers.

By returning the completed document to oneGP Group Admin, the contract will deemed "in effect" and will be enforced by the oneGP Group.

Any contract is an agreement between both parties, and acceptance of contract by the oneGP Group will involve contacting both parties to confirm agreement of contract.

All areas written in RED are to be replaced by Team Managers with the appropriate details.

At the end of the contract period, stated in returned document, the oneGP group will contact the involved Team Manger and Driver to seek confirmation of new contract details where required.

Breaches of contract between Team Mangers and Drivers will be resolved by the oneGP Group, and may see penalties imposed on the offending party, such as (but not limited to) :

- loss of team/driver points or a points penalty
- disqualification from series
- exclusion from series
- either permanently or for a set number of rounds
- declaring the contract breached
allowing either parties to end association with the offending parties

All efforts will be made to resolve any breach before further action is taken.



The following contract involves team : TEAM NAME HERE

The team manager involved in this contract (stating LFS Usernames only) : TEAM MANGER LFS USERNAME

The driver involved in this contract (stating LFS Username only) : DRIVERS LFS USERNAME

The terms of contract.

The terms of contract below may be filled in where appropriate, a contract can either be set for a defined period by date or the contract may choose to set the the agreeement to last a particular number of rounds for the oneGP Series.

It is required by the oneGP group that the mininum period for a cotract by date is 2 MONTHS and the mininum period by rounds is 3 ROUNDS.

Fill in only the desired section.

The contract between the above mentioned parties is for the period : START DATE OF CONTRACT to the : END DATE OF CONTRACT


The contract between the above mentioned parties is for the number of rounds : START ROUND OF CONTRACT to the : END ROUND OF CONTRACT

Performance clause.

A performance clause may be set in the contract if a team manger seeks to define a contract by a required performance level from a driver.
In the event that a driver fails to meet the required performance teh team manger may bring the drivers contract into question before the
oneGP Group. The oneGP Group will then review the case to confirm breach of contract by performance, and may declare on behalf of
the team manger that the contract has been breached. Fill in only if this is desired.

The above mentioned parties agree to a perfromance clause requiring the driver to achieve:

Further contract details.

Further contract details may be stated here and will be subject to the oneGP Groups approval.

Fill in only if required