The online racing simulator
What controller or wheel should i get?
im not getting the g25 cheapest i found was for $306

so im not not getting what ive found is MOMO for $130
and 2 controllers for $28 and $70 im only 11 so it has to be suitable for my mum to buy

Thanks Aussie
#2 - ssm
What is your budget? I got the X-Box 360 controller, I am pleased with it.
perhapse you should get s2 first.
A wired xbox360 controller might be the best, it is fully functional on the PC for well...all games really. The PS3 controller also works but its not exactly plug and play like the xb360 one.

There are a few cheapish wheels out there, but I would only go with Logitech wheels.
Momo is logitech
#6 - ssm
I would use an xbox 360 controller, then save up for a good wheel such as a G25. I wouldn't use a bad wheel.
For a first wheel i would suggest Microsoft Sidewinder,its decent,has a 240 degrees turning.and FFB,im still using it :P
If you get a Xbox360 wheel dont get the Drive-FX, there is no center to the steering.
Doesnt matter i got a Logitech dual action controller very simialr to ps2 works fine but thanks