The online racing simulator
AI stopped mid race!
(19 posts, started )
AI stopped mid race!
I just went to haeva race against the AI doing 8 laps in the MRT5 on Blackwood. I reached lap 6 and the AI drivers just stopped all together on the back straight. Found it really confusing.

Replay attatched, please ignore my dodgy driving and failed showboating illepall
Attached files
[SPSR]Stellios_BL1_MRT_WINNER.rar - 1.6 MB - 268 views
They're probably out of gas.
No replay attached, but I'd wager, errr, some buttons, on them just running out of fuel.

The AI don't get bored or distracted, so they just keep going (or trying to go) until the car stops.
Sorry, the .spr was too big to allow an attatchment, ive had to RAR it up adn reupload. Should be there now.

I dont know whether they ran out of fuel or not, but they all stopped at exactly the same time.
They ran out of fuel, it's as simple as that. They all more or less drive equally aggressive and they all start with the same amount of fuel (same as yours, I think), leading to a fuel-run-out at almost exactly the same time.

It's been mentioned quite often now but you may have missed it: the AI hasn't changed since S1. This means it doesn't know any of the S2 features, including fuel usage, tyre wear, -heat and -dirtyness, suspension damage, pit stops, etc.
hey but who are we to complain about that, since we're in a friendly dictatorship...

It's happened to me before, just them running out of gas. I at first was also really confused, thought maybe something seriously wrong was happening to my computer....then a few laps later I also ran out of gas and realized what was goin on :-D oooops
I just checked it out, and they did indeed run out of fuel, its my fault. I didnt give them enough fuel to complete the race. Oops.

Sorry for being so docile
/thread hijacking...

sorry to offend you, but, is it just me, or do you english speaking people always make that much grammar mistakes?
I mean seriously, I wouldn't mind if this happens when your native language isn't english.
But from my understanding england, australia, america and some minor ex-colonies use english as native language.
So how come these people make sometimes horrible grammar mistakes...?

please don't feel degraded or sth like that, i'm just curious cause similar things happen in my native language too.
I'm far from insulting anyone, i want a clean discussion about that matter.

Thx sincerly

/thread hijacking... done
It's a combination of lazyness and, no matter what the accused might say, a lack of care about their language.

You must realise that with mobile phones, email, and all the other popular electronic communication systems the ability to communicate effectively has taken a SERIOUS turn for the worse, and I'm sure it's not just English.

Every time I see people type 'liek dis n say stuf dat anoys mi rly gts n mi nurvs' I really do feel sad.

I, rightly or wrongly, take great pride in my ability to speak clearly (alcohol not withstanding), type properly, spell properly, ennunciate properly and behave in a manner (publically) that befits my surroundings. I always start emails to people I don't know with "Dear Sir" (or equivalent) and NEVER hi, and I always end them with "Regards" (or equivalent), never "cheers mate". Why don't people bother? Are they too lazy? It doesn't take a second to be polite and it costs nothing. Are they too stupid? Possibly. Probably even. But why are they content with either BEING stupid or appearing stupid?

I have a contact on MSN (from the LFS world, but not a regular forum user afaik) who added me recently. He's CONSTANTLY rude, abuses people's name (he was calling Darkone Dorkone to his face), swears all the time, can't spell, appears to have little or no ability to think for himself, dislikes reading (probably a result of lack of intelligence), and yet would almost be first to shout "we are all born equal". It would take him virtually no time at all to think about what he types or says or write. Sure it might take time for him to learn to spell simple words, but nothing that couldn't be achieved. He could read - he won't even read short tutorials on how to do something but expects me to take my time to teach him step-by-step. It's flattering in a way, but annoying in so many more. His excuse is he has a problem that he's rude to people, and can't help it. Well, thats rubbish. EVERYONE can help being rude. (and if you read this 'mate', consider it payback for what you say to me on MSN. This isn't uncontrolled rudeness, it's rational rudeness, a much meaner thing )

I don't know whats causing it. The decline of the educational establishment can be traced to many causes. Lack of disipline, lack of good teachers, too much priority but on finances within schools (i.e. run to make money, not the teach people).

But you're right, and it does upset me.
I was going to say it's to do with a native speaker not having learned it as a second language, but that, I don't think, is the real reason.

It's simply evolution, the modern world wants to cut corners, save time and hence cannot be bothered to do things properly. The reason one writes "l8er", "w8 a sec" etc. is because it takes less effort to do so, there is no appreciation of how the message is portrayed as long as it's conveyed across. Somehow.

Generally people's attitudes especially the "can't be bothered" are disturbing and together with governments employing nannying laws on parenting it's not going to get any better.
I really can't stand all that AOL speak. I mean, the oldskool l33t I look at in a kind of ":rolleyes:" way, but all that "cu l8r m8", "how r u?", "b sure 2 check around b4 u come in" fool-speak really makes me mad :mad:. Some of the common internet things like IIRC, IMO, AFAIK, etc. are ok, though.

No matter what, I highly appreciate it when someone who writes a post/message/email actually takes the time to properly construct his sentences and atleast does a rudimentary check for spelling errors. This also makes my reply much more informative, because if someone clearly doesn't bother to ask me properly, then the problem surely cannot be that important.

Same on the forums here; if someone has a problem and asks for a solution, but instead of using common sense and writing a polite request for help, more often than not it ends up in him writing something along the lines of "OMG my LSF doesnt work, I dbl clikc on the exe and it sez somthing but I dunno teh exact msg anymore... help!!!!1 ^_^". Do people really expect someone to put much time into an answer (other than flaming) when the request was clearly pulled out of his arse?

Ok, enough ranting :mad:
Quote from tristancliffe :It's a combination of lazyness and, no matter what the accused might say, a lack of care about their language.

If your referring to me, then its partly due to the fact that i try to type faster than i actually can, and the fact that i was in a bit of a rush as i was a bit busy.

I normally edit out any mistakes upon spotting them, but just didnt have time to edit that post.

I am so sorry to anyone i offended by making some spelling mistakes, but its not like a mistake in a forum is going to cost me my career intentions.

Wht wld u rather have, a few spelling mistakes or u having 2 read this txt carp all t3h time.
#14 - Vain
From my experience with native english speakers I came up with a saying: "If you want to have a nice english conversation, talk to a german." (For the sake of the effect I disregard other nations - of course I know that there are a lot of nations where the majority of people speak better/equally good english.)

I just can't understand why the native english speakers rape their own language. It makes them appear dumb and uneducated.

Native English people crave disappointment. Thus, in disappointing you, we disappoint ourselves.

The English universe according to Bill Bailey.
Quote from Vain :I just can't understand why the native english speakers rape their own language. It makes them appear dumb and uneducated.

Maybe so, but i couldnt give a stuff to be honest. I hate this country like i hate the plague.

What does the UK have now to be proud of, nothing, nothing that springs to mind anyway.

I might not speak or type sectences like a stuck up Londoner, but that because im not, im a geordie, and if i had a geordie conversation with you ill have a pretty good guess you wouldnt understand a word i said, a bit liek on these forums. My grammar might not be up to scratch, and i might not be as well educated as you, but quit trying to knock people back.

I could start about my views on Germany, but i know i would get banned.

All this over 3 spelling mistakes, never seen anything so ridiculous in all my life.

*Disclaimer* any spelling mistakes made in this post are due to me being pig thick, generally stupid and totally uneducated, and will be corrected as i see them.
Quote from AndroidXP :They ran out of fuel, it's as simple as that. They all more or less drive equally aggressive and they all start with the same amount of fuel (same as yours, I think), leading to a fuel-run-out at almost exactly the same time.

It's been mentioned quite often now but you may have missed it: the AI hasn't changed since S1. This means it doesn't know any of the S2 features, including fuel usage, tyre wear, -heat and -dirtyness, suspension damage, pit stops, etc.

not with me...i just tried a 24 hour single race with the XR Turbo...set my fuel to full and hit the tab button to check theirs...theyre full...set my fuel to minimal...still shows their fuel as full...1 hour 40 minutes into the race or 50 laps...they run out and stop...and all they do is repair their damage and not do a pitstop?...that i believe should be a problem adjusted for when S3 comes out...they run low on fuel....they should pit stop...
#18 - Jakg
the ai are from s1 as this is still an alpha, it will probably be fixed in s2 full
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from Stellios :
I could start about my views on Germany, but i know i would get banned.

I guess this is just another story of stereotype views on an foreign country, right ?

AI stopped mid race!
(19 posts, started )