The online racing simulator
Fov is strange in 2nd pic.
nice thread, subscribed, and now to add to it
Nice stuff and website, Lynce.
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@andRo, Tomba(FIN), RS1T.

Thank you. I'm glad you like it.

Don't forget to suscribe.

Heh, look at the second picture. Appears to be some kind of bug where grass appears where there should be tarmac.
Racing shots from myself and fellow racers at the LR|1 Racing Server.
Fine racing with a grid of 27-35 racers, racing at AS National with the XFG and it's RWD brother. Images come from two races, last finish line shot is from race two where we had a constant 4 lap battle with 4-6 cars all racing very clean and close to eachother. Everyone finished the race, no crashes occured and the time difference between first and last racer was 38 seconds. The mini-map showed (with now and then a little space in between) all racers constantly on one lint throughout the entire race.

This is what I was missing for a long time in LFS, thanks chaps for the racing!

The start: Full grid view from behind:

Close-up on the local racing hero

One of the many possible snapshots of close racing:

Another snapshot:

Over halfway of the race, but still very close and great racing:

Final lap!

And the last centimeters of the race, pfoeh!
That last picture.. man.. that is a close finish :P
the way to day i will be in a server like that.
Then go and find yourself a ethernet hub and a long lan cable!!!
Quote from LFSn00b :Looks like Jatko is going to ram you off the road in that pic

Haha not quite

Quote from Sponge :That last picture.. man.. that is a close finish :P

Yep - 6 cars within less than a second!
Quote from LFSn00b :Looks like Jatko is going to ram you off the road in that pic

all hail evil jackson

Did someone say evil Jackson?

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Someone really ought to do a massive texture update for Fern Bay .
Quote from Vendetta :
Someone really ought to do a massive texture update for Fern Bay .

Noted. In future.

Revolution Pack April 7th + Friendly Team. Team Inferno

Thanks, Bash0r, for the Skins.

I really have to much spare time
and more
Just a track test for something other than a bland plastic wheel in the XFG
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Some quick effect comparisons (with/without ENBSeries)
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Raw Screenshots Thread.
(3339 posts, started )