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The big bang theory machine
(37 posts, started )
The big bang theory machine

Personally im totally freaked out by the thought of earth being swallowed by a dark hole. Half of me dosent want it to happen, the other half would wonder whats its like. I think mankind should jut sit on their hands for a couple of days and rest tbh...

Share your thoughts plox
Err Was that article written in 1999?

Edit: Since I can't find anything recent on this.. I'm going to assume this is old news and nothing bad happened.
are they trying to kill/destroy every thing and every body ?????
told you the world will end in 2012! if they wait till then..
The original source is questionable considering it is a Christian website and he claims it was in America when the LHC is in Europe.
Quote from Sueycide_FD :nope actually the project is finished and awaiting the "Go" signal

here's a more updated article: ... e/2008/08/07/1252902.aspx

I read about that I thought it was something different than what you posted. I admit I didnt read much of the first article.

Either way If it was too dangerous they would not try it. They are pretty smart guys after all.

Edit: I read the entire article and browsed through that site. Nothing is going to happen.

There are to many loony people in Texas..
#8 - Migz
On the updated article in the comments someone talked about a man called John Titor.
Who was supposedly a time traveller from 2036 who managed to travel back because CERN caused a mini black hole with their machine.


I'ts worth a read through if your bored.

I sort of believe this guy but i dont want to because he says theres a huge war in 2015 that kills 3 billion people

I wanna LIVEEEE (for speeed)

not die
#9 - JJ72
you are pretty dead already in 20015 I suppose.
#10 - Migz
Quote from JJ72 :you are pretty dead already in 20015 I suppose.

haha whoops, sorry, i meant 2015. or perhaps im immortal
he posted this in 2001

The year 2008 was a general date by which time everyone will realize the world they thought they were living in was over. The civil war in the United States will start in 2004. I would describe it as having a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse. The conflict will consume everyone in the US by 2012 and end in 2015 with a very short WWIII.
#12 - Migz
I'm not very up to date with anything american, tbh i dont know anything about american history really, therefore i thought a civil war had started in 2004 or 2005? So that guy was right?

But as with the CERN thing, i thought at first that if they're recreating the big bang then surely when they do it we're going to have a huge planet suddenly appear in one side of the earth?

I find the thought of a planet suddenly appearing in the side of the earth quite funny, but would feel sorry for anyone on that side of the earth that gets pawned
Quote from Migz :I'm not very up to date with anything american, tbh i dont know anything about american history really, therefore i thought a civil war had started in 2004 or 2005? So that guy was right?

But as with the CERN thing, i thought at first that if they're recreating the big bang then surely when they do it we're going to have a huge planet suddenly appear in one side of the earth?

I find the thought of a planet suddenly appearing in the side of the earth quite funny, but would feel sorry for anyone on that side of the earth that gets pawned

yea lol.
Actually, they just tried to create matter out of energy IIRC, so it's rather atoms (if not quarks or whatever the smallest known parts are called nowadays) than planets.

And IIRC, the test succeded, earth's still here, case closed.
#15 - Migz
You dont remember correctly becuase they havent collided the two atoms yet, they have done tests but thats only moving the atoms around the tube thing, but they never acctually collided.
it said on the site that the date they're acctually going to collide them is like septemper 10th i think.
Therefore if we're going to die then im going to be in school when i die Although those two things are pretty much the same.

Case Reopened
FYI - if a black hole appears, the glaxy will be swallowed, not just the earth

IMO this is ****ing maddness, even if the chance are like 0000000000000000000.1% there still is a chance. What a ****ed up world we live in, but I don't want to die either.
Erm, colliding atoms is a pretty standard application of particle accelerators...

But you're right, that test was postponed until september 10.

I remembered a similar experiment though: ... ts_bigbang_000209_wg.html

Still, the world ain't gonna end that day.


Black Holes don't swallow galaxies. Also it would need such a tremendous amount of energy to create an object of such density and gravity that not even light escapes from it that I (and other, even smarter people) highly doubt to a probability of nigh zero a black hole could be created artificially in the Large Hadron Collider.
Wouldn't the black hole disappear as soon as it as swallowd up it's own power supply?
They don't have a 'power supply' - it's not a process like fission, they just are. They're just enough mass packed together that the relativistic effects mean they have an escape velocity that's above the speed of light.

They do slowly 'evaporate' but it takes billions of years.

It won't create a black hole, that's just something the hyperbole has latched onto. The theoretical risk (or rather, 'a theoretical risk') is that it's technically possible that it could create something called a 'strangelet' which is a particle with the property that any other particle it touches is also transformed into a strangelet, which would (again, in theory) eventually transform the earth into a hot ball of strangelets about 20 miles across.

Not going to happen though. Collisions with those kinds of energies happen a lot in the universe. If it was that easy, the whole universe would be made of strangelets.
Here's my theory on the whole thing.

Black holes compact mass, right? So they suck in more and more and they grow. So eventually you're going to end up with one black hole around the size of the universe.
But of course it's unstable because that amount of mass should inhabit far more space.

So as the final particle gets sucked into the black hole, it becomes critical and explodes. And there you have a Big Bang.

Repeat forever.
Depends on the value of Hubble's Constant (which we haven't really been able to work out yet with any accuracy).

Above a certain value, the universe will keep expanding forever - everything's moving away from everything else so fast that the combined gravity of everything can never suck everything back into one place again. This is an open universe.

At a certain value, everything gets slowed down by the combined gravity of everything else but the speed is exactly right so it *never quite stops*. This is a fixed universe.

Below a certain value, everything initially moves apart, but the combine gravity of everything eventually slows the expansion down, and starts pulling everything back together again. Eventually things will get close enough together that stars start crashing into each other and combining their masses until they're sufficiently big to become black holes. These will collide with others until, as you said, the universe will be one giant singularity. This is a closed universe. Whether this will become another Big Bang is entirely open to speculation.
It surely must. There's no way that all the mass in the universe can be the size of a single particle (assuming that the massive vacuum of a black hole crushes everything down to the smallest possible size) and remain stable or constant. Molecules would collide and an explosion would be inevitable.
Then all your potential energy becomes heat and kinetic and it all starts over.
Quantum fluctuations would suggest that many black holes are formed and destroyed in each of your living rooms each day, and you never notice. Admittedly they would be quite small ones though, with event horizons measured in fractions of nanometres
too many people have missed their science classes.
Quote from Dajmin :Molecules would collide and an explosion would be inevitable.

Well, it would be impossible for molecules (or even the known subatomic particles) to exist in a singularity, and pretty much all of the standard laws of physics break down, but yes, based on what I've read and been taught I think that whatever fluctuations are possible in there would set it all off again.

Absolutely impossible to prove at the moment though

The big bang theory machine
(37 posts, started )