There's a point or price bracket when sure you can say it's money not very well spent, but remember each and every component that make up a stereo system adds to the price not just the head unit.
For the head unit sound output and quality does not vary so much from one product to the next, so money will be spent on extras like GPS and integration of the unit into the car.
Expensive speakers have a very clear distinguishable sound from the cheaper counterpart as its a fact that the more expensive speaker is built to reach tones and frequency's outside of the range of the rest. At the high-end price scale(As you all know)in-car pressure is taken into acount by the speaker.
The point at which money is thrown out the window is where someone buys the smartest looking system in the catalogue and plays a 128kps MP3 on it.
So, I don't agree that outside noise is an excuse to cheap on an audio system because noise will "get in the way" of hearing the song....why can't you just turn it up?
For the head unit sound output and quality does not vary so much from one product to the next, so money will be spent on extras like GPS and integration of the unit into the car.
Expensive speakers have a very clear distinguishable sound from the cheaper counterpart as its a fact that the more expensive speaker is built to reach tones and frequency's outside of the range of the rest. At the high-end price scale(As you all know)in-car pressure is taken into acount by the speaker.
The point at which money is thrown out the window is where someone buys the smartest looking system in the catalogue and plays a 128kps MP3 on it.
So, I don't agree that outside noise is an excuse to cheap on an audio system because noise will "get in the way" of hearing the song....why can't you just turn it up?