Download the latest drivers (this will fool your PC into thinking it's a DFP) Then open the "Logitech Profiler" (should be in your system tray). Set the wheel up for 900 degrees. Set the game up for 900 degrees, and that should do it. Worked for me and my Driving Force GT. You may have to unplug the wheel from the pc, replug it in and let it calibrate.
Get those drivers mentioned in the thread. Don't set the FFB too high in the Profiler. Anything over 90% to 100% will cause the wheel to shake in really odd ways when pressing on the break. Even if you are standing still it will shake. I set spring % to 0 and Damper to 45%. If you leave the Damper to 0% or really low the wheel feels very light and it is harder to feel for the grip. It will also cause you to turn more then you want because the resistance is lower.
I got this wheel today and I have to say it is the best wheel I have seen or hear of for the price it costs. The G25 of course is better mainly because of the combo of a shifter and pretty nice pedals. I have a custom set of pedals and a Lightning SST shifter already so it wasn't worth it to me to get the G25.