Normally "In 19 Tagen darf ich meinen Freund sehen." means 'more than only a good friend' for the young german girls nowadays.

Quote from RiseAgainstMe! :yeah tell me about it.
I need to learn some more German or I'm gonna be continually confused around her family. They think it's hilarious because I don't understand most of it... Why can't I ever get involved with a nice Spanish girl?
I've given up trying to translate for now. Some of the stuff after that doesn't make sense in any translator, but the little I can muddle out is just saying what I already know

every nation understands the sex word,u should be fine
Mine -->
Attached images
(EeekiE) DELETED by EeekiE : Jesus Christ I just realised how offensive this could actually be
Hey maaaan, it's 2010 maaaan, stop diggin' on another man's source of love. All punctuation is fair game now after the gay community showed the world that it's OK to love the colon.
She's got a nice tan
I managed to enlarge the pic for everyone

Quote from Gills4life :I managed to enlarge the pic for everyone

This girl is from Bradford, I'm sure of it!
Quote from BlueFlame :This girl is from Bradford, I'm sure of it!

Surely she's far too good looking to be from that area?
bitches aint shit but hoes n tricks
OH well,,, I got my girl back and I am very happy with that. I hope this time it will go a little better
Oh snap, single again :/
What happened mate?
It's important to point out that no parts did disagree on the dessision, and I think in the long run it was the best outcome.

Basically her feeling just were not right, aswell as she struggld with some things from an earlier rellationship. It just were too much and she didn't have the energy or the feeling to be able keeping up a good rellationship.

So we said goodbye today, and so it happend - TVE is single again and I swear to god I will shag every whale on this planet til I find my happines.

As you see, I'm ok - alltho I must admit break-ups allways sucks >.<
Well now you can come to Blighty and get properly WTF apeshit with the crew

I'm still single, but there's a girl I'd like to date and she asked me over so that's a good start, but I think she's in a fairly similar position so I gotta learn to bide my time I guess, but we'll see, I'll get to know her a bit better and maybe we'll both like what we find. Maybe we'll just be friends, either way it's win win.
Good dessision Becky, and probally it should have been the same with this rellationship. Either way, it's too late now but I feel delighted that it turned out this way - a way borth parts agreed on.

What were the date of the horror movie meeting again? Propper wtf apeshit.. canot say no to that can I?
Unless she is a serial killer and you are her next victim :o

Sorry I don't know where that came from. I had a strong urge to post though.
It's cool mate, don't be affraight to offend me, I can endure worse shit than this.. for example my first x who were a drug addicted crazy bitch who belived it was a good idea to call my dad 24/7 to say I had done her pregnant.

Compared to that this break up is much, much better
Oops sorry, I meant to reply to Miss Rose.
Don't mind me, sorry
Quote from The Very End :What were the date of the horror movie meeting again? Propper wtf apeshit.. canot say no to that can I?

It's on the 30th, but i'm going to have an issue giving you any time on the 31st as i'm off to a Halloween geekfest type thing starting at about midday. :/

But there will almost certainly be a movie night next month too - I dont know what the film will be yet, there's some suggestion of continuing the musicals theme and doing Greece (Rocky Horror and Little Shop of Horrors so far), or we're going to go down the Horror Comedy route.

Unless there are more corny 70-80's horror musicals out there anywhere... But I can't think of any... Apparently the industry did not prepare well for my movie nights.

OOOOOOOh writing this I just thought: Lesbian Vampire Killers...

Quote from rich uk :Unless she is a serial killer and you are her next victim

I can think of worse ways to go, she's hot as foxtrot.

Post Your Girlfriend / Love Life Advice 101
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