Quote from Becky Rose :It's on the 30th, but i'm going to have an issue giving you any time on the 31st as i'm off to a Halloween geekfest type thing starting at about midday. :/

But there will almost certainly be a movie night next month too - I dont know what the film will be yet, there's some suggestion of continuing the musicals theme and doing Greece (Rocky Horror and Little Shop of Horrors so far), or we're going to go down the Horror Comedy route.

Unless there are more corny 70-80's horror musicals out there anywhere... But I can't think of any... Apparently the industry did not prepare well for my movie nights.

OOOOOOOh writing this I just thought: Lesbian Vampire Killers...


I can think of worse ways to go, she's hot as foxtrot.

It's a little too close from now to be ready to wtf apeshit the whole internet..

Joke aside, we'll get our chance on a later time Just find a suitable date later and we'll plan something out. The flight times are doable for me usually!
dont you atleast talk to her still? or was it a legit goodbye forever?

i dont see why staying in touch is a bad thing.

hookups, and friends with benefits ftw
Quote from The Very End :It's a little too close from now to be ready to wtf apeshit the whole internet..

I'll let you know when the next one is booked - how much notice do you need?
Quote from Becky Rose :I can think of worse ways to go, she's hot as foxtrot.

Well I can't think of a better way to go. Can you make sure it's Monty Pyhton style? Chased of a cliff by her running after you topless :up:
Quote from logitekg25 :dont you atleast talk to her still? or was it a legit goodbye forever?

i dont see why staying in touch is a bad thing.

hookups, and friends with benefits ftw

Hehe, well we will probally speak again after some time, but I think friends can be comlplicated.

Quote from Becky Rose :I'll let you know when the next one is booked - how much notice do you need?

Around 3 weeks notice in adantage should be enough
Well, Hm...

So, I've been hanging out with this girl for like the last month and a bit. I haven't made any moves out of respect and the fact I'm a pansy. I dunno what I want from her either, or if I just should stay as just friends. Oh well.

That's my update to keep this thread pertanent to its topic.
Have a think about it and decide whether she is the kind of girl you like, and if you can, try and get to know her a bit more. A month or so isn't much time to get to know the in and outs of someones personality in my opinion, but you may think otherwise. Once you have had a think, swallow your fear and just talk to her, but obviously at an appropriate time. Or, if you really don't have the balls to tell her straight, then just ask her out. For example, ask her if she would like to go for a nice Dinner and a movie. You don't need to hint that it's a date, as she will eventually realize that you are attempting to make it a date, and not just a normal day out for you guys.

Even though I have been with the same Girl for 7 years now and we are comfortable enough to do anything or say anything to each other, there have still been times when I have wanted to say something (Not always something to do with my love for her.) but didn't have the courage to do so. When I do eventually spit it out, she wonders why on earth I didn't want to say it earlier.

A bit of a pointless thing to tell you I know, but my point is just talk to her. Too many times I have heard stories from Friends (Be it Male or Female) who have really wanted to tell someone they have an interest in the other person, only for that same person to not realize and go off with another guy or girl.

And one more point, don't be scared! If she is a true friend but didn't have no interest in a relationship with you, then you telling her you have feelings for her should not affect the friendship in any way. It may provide some awkwardness for the first few days after, but that will soon wear off and you will both be back to normal.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Well, Hm...

So, I've been hanging out with this girl for like the last month and a bit. I haven't made any moves out of respect and the fact I'm a pansy. I dunno what I want from her either, or if I just should stay as just friends. Oh well.

Precisely where i am too atm, do or dont kinda situation, risky business.
Soon, my bieber charm is wearing off though..

Congratulation, she's very nice
How do you impress a brazilian girl if you can't dance properly?
Quote from jibber :How do you impress a brazilian girl if you can't dance properly?


Quote from The Very End :Congratulation, she's very nice

Don't have her yet, I'm trying my hardest though, have been for quite a long time now!
Quote from mcintyrej :
Don't have her yet, I'm trying my hardest though, have been for quite a long time now!

enjoy your friendzonelololol
Quote from The Very End :Congratulation, she's very nice

Quote from Klutch :enjoy your friendzonelololol

There's mutual feelings she's just not sure if she's ready for a relationship yet. (just came out of one)

You're trying to impress a girl with a Justin Bieber? Shit.... You must be really @&*#ing desperate.

I hate that little punk, Matter of fact!; Look at this. This is how much I hate him.

Quote from danthebangerboy :Precisely where i am too atm, do or dont kinda situation, risky business.

Problem with mine, is it's purely my own mind in the way... if I do it, i won't lose THAT close of a friend.. I dunno. I'm just a chickenshit
everyone always talks about how they don't want to risk losing a friend.. I always find the opposite, that it's really easy to go from good friends to girlfriend. Like my current girlfriend, I knew her for 4 years before we started dating and were close friends... but I simply am too shy to ever start anything with someone I don't know well. Must be something in my personality, for some reason my best friends (who are girls) always want to date me, and I them.
I just learnt 1 thing about myself. I'm incredibly shy and won't start any physical contact until a girl has touched my penis. After that point, the doors are broken down.
Quote from TehPaws3D :You're trying to impress a girl with a Justin Bieber? Shit.... You must be really @&*#ing desperate.

I hate that little punk, Matter of fact!; Look at this. This is how much I hate him.


It just so happens that he looks like me (I'm older) and she happens to have one of those utterly morbid female obsessions with him, so it tends to work in my favour.
Quote from mcintyrej :she happens to have one of those utterly morbid female obsessions with him, so it tends to work in my favour.

Any woman that froffs at the mouth over misses beiber isn't worth an ounce of attention.
(brandons48) DELETED by brandons48
Yes, but she's still worth his 6" of dick.

Can't you just let him live and die in piece? I'm in no way his fan or anything, but how many Justin Biebers has the world had that you're all so damn obsessed by him? By publicly hating him you're actually doing him a favor, you know?
I wish I never mentioned it now...
We're just teasing Jack, don't worry. I wish I looked like someone famous, ride it for something

Post Your Girlfriend / Love Life Advice 101
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