this will end well.
well, that was then.

im willing to make the effort to make it work, and if i ever see that its going no where, well... i'll see about that when it happens... XD

but no, i wont kill her....
... Until she cheats on you. :hide:
Quote from mcintyrej :Pretty sucky! It's like... She's the "one" as well. Well at least I think she is.

had that feeling aswell for long time, people telled me i can get over her, but they wrong. getting over her really impossible.
Quote from Franky.S :had that feeling aswell for long time, people telled me i can get over her, but they wrong. getting over her really impossible.

wrong are you, heals your hurts time does!
True, 2 years and alcohol.
Quote from Franky.S :had that feeling aswell for long time, people telled me i can get over her, but they wrong. getting over her really impossible.

How long has it been?

Everyone's gone through a point where they felt like that. I had my heart ripped out back in January and felt that way, and it wasn't until a few weeks ago that I can really say that it doesn't tear me up inside anymore. I had been with 2 or 3 girls since her, too.

...The girl I'm seeing now makes me completely forget the old one
Maggot, I was the same. January, GF dumped me.. about a month ago I'd finally say I was over her. STill not found anyone else though, but.. that's becuase I suck.
I don't know, But it makes me want to say a internet one liner every time I view a page or two in this thread...

Oh screw it, Just coming out with it.

hopelessmenontheinternettalkingaboutwomentheywant lololol.

I feel bad for you but at the same time, I could laugh for hours at this thread.. I wish I knew what emotion that was.
Quote from TehPaws3D :I don't know, But it makes me want to say a internet one liner every time I view a page or two in this thread...

Oh screw it, Just coming out with it.

hopelessmenontheinternettalkingaboutwomentheywant lololol.

I feel bad for you but at the same time, I could laugh for hours at this thread.. I wish I knew what emotion that was.

I dont know, but it makes me want to say a internet one liner everytime I read a post from you in this thread...

anotherguyposingasagirlontheinternet lololol.

I feel bad for you but at the same time admire your courage to go through with it. I wish I could do that.

No, not really.
Quote from TehPaws3D :I don't know, But it makes me want to say a internet one liner every time I view a page or two in this thread...

Oh screw it, Just coming out with it.

hopelessmenontheinternettalkingaboutwomentheywant lololol.

I feel bad for you but at the same time, I could laugh for hours at this thread.. I wish I knew what emotion that was.

You have essentially summed up the topic in hand yes, congratulations.
Quote from DevilDare :I dont know, but it makes me want to say a internet one liner everytime I read a post from you in this thread...

anotherguyposingasagirlontheinternet lololol.

I feel bad for you but at the same time admire your courage to go through with it. I wish I could do that.

No, not really.

+1 Paws A.K.A Miss 'Roxalove' (LOL) come up with some feminine insults and not the typical 'your a virgin and you play on games 24/7 in your basement' shit that most guys bring up,
because you must understand your the one wanting all this attention constantly reminding us your a women when most women I've come across online don't feel the need to announce that they are a women for many reasons, one may be due to the fact of the 'attention' they will get which most women don't particularly like and the other being the fact that it doesn't matter if your a man or women....
and using an avatar pic to 'prove' your a women all this while basically telling us we need lives while you are playing the game too... little bizarre, but hey we all love attention and like to be different however we choose to do so, whether it's pretending to be a women on the internet namely a forum with a majority of males or whether it be using an annoying font to get recognized, 'we' love attention and I do too.

Yours Faithfully,
The guy in your basement.
So cowardly you even had to use an internet alias for your internet alias.

Even serial killer rapists endorse LFS.

Oh and you all get zero points for wit.
Quote from 5haz :So cowardly you even had to use an internet alias for your internet alias.

Even serial killer rapists endorse LFS.

Oh and you all get zero points for wit.

We all have to look up to someone.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Maggot, I was the same. January, GF dumped me.. about a month ago I'd finally say I was over her. STill not found anyone else though, but.. that's becuase I suck.

Not sure I can really say I'm over her... yet. But, I can say that memories of her or what happened no longer give me that uneasy sinking feeling they used to, and that's really the big kicker. But, like I said, the girl I'm with now is amazing and I have no intentions of letting this one get away.
Quote from TehPaws3D :
hopelessmenontheinternettalkingaboutwomentheywant lololol.

I think for the first time I agree with you. haha
Quote from Jeffrey Dahmer :+1 Paws A.K.A Miss 'Roxalove' (LOL) come up with some feminine insults and not the typical 'your a virgin and you play on games 24/7 in your basement' shit that most guys bring up,
because you must understand your the one wanting all this attention constantly reminding us your a women when most women I've come across online don't feel the need to announce that they are a women for many reasons, one may be due to the fact of the 'attention' they will get which most women don't particularly like and the other being the fact that it doesn't matter if your a man or women....
and using an avatar pic to 'prove' your a women all this while basically telling us we need lives while you are playing the game too... little bizarre, but hey we all love attention and like to be different however we choose to do so, whether it's pretending to be a women on the internet namely a forum with a majority of males or whether it be using an annoying font to get recognized, 'we' love attention and I do too.

Yours Faithfully,
The guy in your basement.

Awwh sheesh, A fan-club, How decent of you. Firstly, When the hell did I every shove in your faces I was a woman in the previous post I made? Allow me to refresh your memory " hopeless-men-on-the-internet-talking-about-women-they-want lol-lol-lol "

Now I don't know about you but I don't seem to be shoving barbies down your throat, If you take my outgoing / happy and yes sometimes retarded personality as me faking being a woman on the internet then both of you can step to hell, I never gave two S*!ts what both of you thought in the first place, If it's idioticy that allows you to strive, Go for it.

Next is the fact that
Quote :most women I've come across online don't feel the need to announce that they are a women for many reasons, one may be due to the fact of the 'attention' they will get which most women don't particularly like and the other being the fact that it doesn't matter if your a man or women....

Uhm.. Okay? What exactly do you want me to say? I'm sorry for disrupting your man mind? I'm not like typical " Ohh what will he say he'll call me a bitch and say I need to go in the kitchen Ohh noooo!!! What will I ever do I need to go hide and cry!!~ " **** that, Simply **** that, If some man has enough balls to come say that to my face, I would most likely laugh as I don't take the internet so retardedly serious. It's not like you hurt my wittle girl feelings.

Wow, Next of the BS I have to sweep through.
Quote :and using an avatar pic to 'prove' your a women all this while basically telling us we need lives while you are playing the game too... little bizarre, but hey we all love attention and like to be different however we choose

I never told anyone anywhere to get a life, I actually do enjoy reading some of the story's and hey I wish it would have worked out for some of them differently. And what, Proof I'm a woman? Dude, This post gets more and more funny as I travel along, If I was really trying to proof I was a woman then by all means I would be waving ****ing pink banners from my signature and filling every post with some stupid " GIRL POWAH " Shit, Or what ever you agree on that thinks people " Roleplay " On the forum, And when did LFS ever get involved? Yes I play LFS, And I do suck at it. But that was never involved, Do I see myself as slightly attention seeking or whatever? Most likely true.

P.S. Your name sucks to.
P.S.S **** You.

Quote from DevilDare :I dont know, but it makes me want to say a internet one liner everytime I read a post from you in this thread...

anotherguyposingasagirlontheinternet lololol.

I feel bad for you but at the same time admire your courage to go through with it. I wish I could do that.

No, not really.

Okaay... I really feel bad for you too, You could have easily just kept your mouth closed to my obvious joke, But since it's got your balls in a sling...
Quote from MAGGOT :Not sure I can really say I'm over her... yet. But, I can say that memories of her or what happened no longer give me that uneasy sinking feeling they used to, and that's really the big kicker. But, like I said, the girl I'm with now is amazing and I have no intentions of letting this one get away.

Me, the only bit I miss would be having someone that would enjoy watching me play Fallout.. other than that.. I'm better off

Also TehPaws... Yeah this thread has a lot of stupidity in it, but sometimes people need to vent. Venting to friends is hard because they instantly judge or jump to conclusions on the situation (in cases of mutual friends). The internet, iwth its layer of anonymity means that even if people do judge.. it means nothing, and they can take the sitation (as described) at face value.
If you are a women I feel sorry for your boyfriend, and thanks for feeding me, I'm full now, gave me quite a laugh I didn't think you'd reply but you did, I must be doing a good job. :huepfenic maybe it's YOU who's got your balls in a sling.
I'm glad I could give another 12 year old lawlable internet trollage before his mommy makes him do school work, It would be nice if you revealed who you really are.. People some times..
Quote from TehPaws3D :I'm glad I could give another 12 year old lawlable internet trollage before his mommy makes him do school work, It would be nice if you revealed who you really are.. People some times..

Insulting me now, re-read your reply to me and look at the mistakes you made, your a adult and so am I, maybe I don't act like one but at least I can write like one.
Can you both shut up

(brandons48) DELETED by brandons48
Quote from Jeffrey Dahmer :Insulting me now, re-read your reply to me and look at the mistakes you made, your a adult and so am I, maybe I don't act like one but at least I can write like one.

I dispute that, you aren't an adult at all
Quote from brandons48 :Seriously, what are you on about?

I'm not taking the piss, i'm genuinely stumped.

The fact she's basically calling me a 'kid' but she writes like a kid, you know, she doesn't know the different between 'to' and 'too' for starters, which is 'kindergarten' stuff is it not?

Quote from DieKolkrabe :I dispute that, you aren't an adult at all

I dispute your dispute.
(brandons48) DELETED by brandons48

Post Your Girlfriend / Love Life Advice 101
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