Bah, you're so bias with your "Death to all userbars." stance. Next thing we know you'll have an "ideal userbar" which is blonde contents with blue letterings. Then you'll try to trap all these other userbars in 404 camps, and then... That's when powerful internets like Mozilla and Opera will start attacking your empire, holding Safari and Internet Explorer hostage.
They'll try attacking from all sides; through the upper IP ranges; the middle range; but finally with a small collaboration between the Northern Operaians, The Southern Operaians and those damn Mozillians, they will get in through the firewall in a small land near Luigi's Pizza. However, the Southern Operaians also have some domains to worry about, and a Platoon of Northern Operaians were lost to the same domains.
Finally, with the Northern and Southern Operaians mounting another attack along with the Mozillaians; the trio attack on the .fr front, and push back the evil empire, to try to push them back into opening their ports, disabling their firewalls, and freeing Internet Explorer and Safari back into the world.
In short: It worked. The attack from the .it front and the .fr front... worked?!
(If this has inaccuracys... which it can't, because it's not based, or derived from any real world events, be it past or present... complain to someone else.)