The online racing simulator
Website Navigation Suggestion
On a lot of the stats pages, there are "First, Prev, Next" links, how about a "last"?
#2 - SamH
Added to my to-do. It's a bit more complicated than just adding a "last" button because of the way the "offset" value is calculated. I will get it on there though
last_offset = total_results - results_per_page

#4 - SamH
Nope, that's not how it works at the moment.
You must already do a check to see what the last page is, because I just done an offset of 1000000, and it altered it
Or maybe a "scroll to... " (username) or "find..." which would take you to a page or user that you're seeking; or create a page with your searched item on it and 10 others either side, if either are easier.
#7 - SamH
You can go straight to the right page for a user from their stats page, if you have a particular driver in mind.

What does a Last button find you, that wants to be found? I excluded the Last button because it's not where I think people should want to go. The more I think about it, the less I want to put it in.

Or is there a specific reason for wanting a Last button, other than just because one isn't there now?
It's not so much that, I just thought it was the only button/option that was not available.

I suppose last buttons are only for achives, not leader boards. Just a thought that's all!
#9 - SamH
Yeah, I think for now I'll leave it off It's a simple process of giving the CalcOffset function the total number of records and it'll display the correct last page.. but for the purposes of the CTRA, where the focus is the top of the list rather than the bottom, it's not somewhere I want to be able to go straight to on the site.
In the lap records pages you can select between several kinds of ordering, but then you have to use first/next/prevous/last to navigate. When I order it byt track/car or whatever usually I want to fgo directly to "SO1", or "UF-BR", and then I have to do qute some "next's". Would there be a solution to make this easier?
#11 - SamH
I'll see if I can jot down a function to help there, now.
#12 - SamH