The online racing simulator
Rename host name (in player list) ?

I have DEMO server and one question...

How i can rename host name in player list?

Attached images
thats something that has puzzeled me for ages... never thought of posting here for an answer
Anyway i'll keep an eye out fo the answer
OK, finally!

LFS dedi \ cfg.txt

Ply Name host

(example: MY SERVER)

#4 - SamH
I still don't get it. Any chance of helping a dummy?

in th cfg.txt file (NOT SETUP.CFG!!) as nesrulz found (thanks nesrulz) its about half way down where it sais: Ply Name host the "host" is the bit you have to change
#6 - SamH
Wonderful! Thanks for that, with your guidance I've found and changed it. It's now a shameless bit of TeamCCUK advertising, but it should help people find their way back to the server after dinner etc.

Thanks again, Franky and nesrulz!
#7 - ekze
Wow! I didn't know that! Thanks!
#8 - shim
search is your friend.. from FAQ main page..

Quote :Answer to: I want to run a host from behind a firewall, router or connection sharing - which port needs to be open?:
Live for Speed S2 hosts use TCP and UDP port 63392 by default, but when starting a host, you can enter any port (but be advised that some people only have the default ports open with their outbound blocking firewall). Some people have problems with high port numbers. They should try lower numbers, as some ISP's are blocking high ranges.
If your firewall or router also blocks outgoing packets, you should open port 29339 as well, which is used for host<->master communication.