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Help Drifting Advice wanted
(19 posts, started )
Help Drifting Advice wanted
I spent so much time looking at setups and putting it on my ride, but no matter how times i try, the results are always spin out or a realy weak power slide....
what do you do?
break? engine break? handbreak? clutch?
so much easier on battle gear ..
i have seen people drifting like crazy but i cant seem to get it
could some1 like state out what they do when entering corners?
example like.
get into apex, then brake and turn or sumthing
Road normal tyres set to about 44psi each fairly stiff rear anti roll play around with the suspension and you need a steering wheel to get the best drifts.
Right turn : Brake before turn, flick left, flick right, use throttle to maintain the slide. Easy Practice makes perfect
seen a video on topgear, and "the worlds best drifters" (or at least of japan, use the handbrake to get the car sliding, they then use throttle and changing up & down gears.

But handbrake always sends me spining!
Quote from marsden1002 :seen a video on topgear, and "the worlds best drifters" (or at least of japan, use the handbrake to get the car sliding, they then use throttle and changing up & down gears.

But handbrake always sends me spining!

not always.

Anyway. It really depends on the corner. For sweepers, it's a quick turn in and throttle lift to induce oversteer, and hold down the throttle and counter to keep the slide going.

For hairpins I use the feint drift, meaning i heel toe downshift first, the quickly steer away and into the corner.
#6 - izard
First technique to learn is power oversteer.
Just turn in as you normaly would, and halfway round, put your foot down.
As soon as the tyres are spinning, release the throttle a bit because the grip level of spinning tyres is lower.
Be quick with countersteer, if you're to late, your car is too much sideways, and you can't catch it.
Be alert of when the rear tyres will gain grip again, so you are ready to steer in the right direction.

That's important, if you are too late with that, your car wil swing back, and send you straight into the outside of the corner.

Practice that technique a bit, and if you can catch mosts drifts, you can start with feint drifting.

So you come to the corner, quickly (snappy) steer away from the corner, and then steer into the corner.
When you steer into the corner, apply the throttle as you would with power oversteer in the example above.

Be carefull, due to the weight transfer of the car it will start to oversteer sooner than it would with power oversteer.

Hope this helps, and happy drifting
Quote from izard :First technique to learn is power oversteer.
Just turn in as you normaly would, and halfway round, put your foot down.
As soon as the tyres are spinning, release the throttle a bit because the grip level of spinning tyres is lower.
Be quick with countersteer, if you're to late, your car is too much sideways, and you can't catch it.
Be alert of when the rear tyres will gain grip again, so you are ready to steer in the right direction.

That's important, if you are too late with that, your car wil swing back, and send you straight into the outside of the corner.

Practice that technique a bit, and if you can catch mosts drifts, you can start with feint drifting.

So you come to the corner, quickly (snappy) steer away from the corner, and then steer into the corner.
When you steer into the corner, apply the throttle as you would with power oversteer in the example above.

Be carefull, due to the weight transfer of the car it will start to oversteer sooner than it would with power oversteer.

Hope this helps, and happy drifting

very well said.
anyone here drift with the driving force pro in 900 degree mode?
Whoa that would kinda be hard to drift with the 900 Degree mode....
Well, if you want to learn drifting, I know a video called Keiichi Tschuya's Drift Bible, its very good and you're sure that you're learning from a pro as Keiichi is the best drifter in Japan. So, have a look for it . Personally, I haven't watched the whole thing, but watched the basics of drifting. I am not a very good drifter so it isn't exactly something which you can master in a matter of a few runs .
I like pulling away from the corner and before turning in, clutch, power, release, counter steer, and simply hold this throughout the corner

I think its a "scandinavian flick"?
Quote from SS_Kristoffer :I like pulling away from the corner and before turning in, clutch, power, release, counter steer, and simply hold this throughout the corner

I think its a "scandinavian flick"?

Yeah it is, also known as feint.

Just gone and done this quickly. Its been a long time since ive drifted bl1 so no amazing but ah well.

4 replays (save them to lfs, data, spr)

Feint - Feint drifting is where you lift of the throttle while turning towards the outside of the corner (so if left hand corner turn right etc) then turn back to the corner and power which will create oversteer.

Power - Power oversteer IMO comes into 2 forms - First where you simply use full throttle to brake rear wheel traction eg. when your standing still full throttle high revs and let clutch out rear wheels will spin. The other form (also known as lift off oversteer) is where you turn into the corner lift off the throttle then get back on the throttle

Hand brake / E - brake - This is where you turn into the corner, pull the handbrake and lock the rear wheels causing oversteer. Usually it is best to lift off the throttle while you apply the handbrake. Then one the car is starting to go sideways simply use the power to create a bigger angle if you desire.

All - Just used all 3 above. In reality they are only ways to initiate a drift and it is throttle control that will determine how long your drift is, if you spin, how much angle you get. Also you can use a combination of them - On the all replay going down hill to the right left i feint drift then use handbrake to hold the car sideways untill i can use the power to get through the corners. It all really comes down to practice and learning how the car will react.

hope this helps

Edit : Added set up i use, got it off the team inferno site (put it in lfs, data, settings)
Attached files
cP Greboth_feint.spr - 29.4 KB - 345 views
cP Greboth_Power.spr - 28.1 KB - 323 views
cP Greboth_Ebrake.spr - 27.9 KB - 348 views
cP Greboth_All.spr - 28.2 KB - 376 views
XR GT TURBO_drift_SWC.set - 132 B - 454 views
I actually can do both.

I prefer to use the handbrake to get the back end started but I also know the feint method, which a lot of people consider to be "proper drifting".
uuh... well i just brake right b4 thr turn in so that i can transfer the weight to thr front and then apply the throttle creating the traction loss ... countersteering shouldn't be a problem, it depends on setup and amount of braking force.
its all about feeling the driftmy advice

1. when you enter the corner Tap the e-brake so that you can feel the car slightly start to drift

2. turn at the same time when your at half way trought the corner
Floor the gas and countersteer

that works for me my setup is a BIT personal so dont go whining about that.
#16 - Davo
I'm interested in the wheel lock used on the wheel and in game? I'm thinking something like 180degress is plenty so that you can full lock countersteer easier?
i drift by going into a corner a bit too fast. useing handbrake in middle of corner, release handbrake, apply throttle to keep car moving exit corner. I'm not great but it works
why haven't anyone mentioned this before..?
Whenever I attempt to drift in LFS, I do a feint, gently remove and apply the throttle, but never let off, and throughout the drift "kick the clutch" several times to maintain the angle. On my DFP, I have the shift knob set up so that pulling it forward ( + ) is the clutch, and pulling it away ( - ) is the handbrake.

Help Drifting Advice wanted
(19 posts, started )