The online racing simulator

Poll : What do you want of the following :

XRT only
FXO only
Neither of the ones above, please post a comment and describe why / giving a suggestion
BTW if you see the server list, you can see a new DD server, its name is [CAD] Destruction Derby, they use similar layouts than we use, and the server attracts a lot of people.
Lol what a copy-cat server I going to laugh if they use layouts a little modified from our ones.

But neverthless, a other server is allways nice, specially when I can't be around watching over your sorry arses

Just promiss to not let me be alone on the server tomorrow :worried:
Quote from The Very End :Lol what a copy-cat server I going to laugh if they use layouts a little modified from our ones.

But neverthless, a other server is allways nice, specially when I can't be around watching over your sorry arses

Just promiss to not let me be alone on the server tomorrow :worried:

1) Yes they do !:slap:
2) Yep in fact its bloody fun.
3) Dont worry.
Seriously, then even use same/very similar layouts?
Well, if they just asked they ofc could have it, but when they not asking :worried: ..

Btw, gief screenshoots of them, want to see them, but are at work and canot come online.
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] ::ices_rofl I thought you were lerts.:spin:

And in fact I thought that you were posting on S2 content because you were an unlocker.

How can i be unlocker? I am not Win32 executable file.
unlocker = type of program. :P

btw, cow is up but it is UF1@KY1 without layout.
Quote from The Very End :Seriously, then even use same/very similar layouts?
Well, if they just asked they ofc could have it, but when they not asking :worried: ..

Btw, gief screenshoots of them, want to see them, but are at work and canot come online.

Here's their FE1R layout (attached)
EDIT: After looking up the server on LFSWorld (again), it is a S2 server.
Attached files
FE1R_[CAD]DD.lyt - 1.3 KB - 250 views
Quote from Shadowww :How can i be unlocker? I am not Win32 executable file.

Sig material!

Anyway, will there be any BL1 rampy racing over the weekend, i hope so!
Quote from Jon606 :Here's their FE1R layout (attached)
EDIT: After looking up the server on LFSWorld, it turns out to be a S1 and NOT a S2 server!

That just means that they had only S1 cars enabled and were driving on a S1 track at that time.
Quote from zeugnimod :That just means that they had only S1 cars enabled and were driving on a S1 track at that time.

Still, time will tell which server is better.
14.00 today we'll meet
Yupee, i will be with ya guyz.

Those serious if-you-pushed-me-i-will-voteban-you-even-if-it-was-accident servers are... ehm... boring.
It's a matter of taste really
I have done my share of serious racing, but lately I just want to have fun without ruining people races, the ones that want to race, therfor it's great to have a server with people with the same opinions.
see you then
I hope I'll be there

The other server is a bit too, erm, sorry for the irony, 'n00by' for me
Quote from J@tko :I hope I'll be there

The other server is a bit too, erm, sorry for the irony, 'n00by' for me

Really, I like it. Their new bl2 layout is awersome, and as it's more based on racing in fact, it remember me the TRDT Christmas Event.
Hmm, I prefer the noobs one, its easier to drive cos you wreck your suspension by half-way around on this one, and thats with my 1337 DD set

What saddens me is this is the most populated "racing" server atm
well this is today or?
14:00 gmt +1
If anyone's interested, the new DD server and all the layouts on it are the brainchild of the S2 user killer sponge.

What makes the new one interesting is that I haven't seen it up with the Kyoto Oval, which became the popularity generator of the [noobs] DD server, yet somehow this one hasn't had it on at all and look at how it has grown!

But I'll still be coming on the [noobs] one at 14:00 CET (13:00 GMT) though

EDIT: TVE's on the [noobs] server now so GO GO GO!
anyone fancy a game today?
Yeah, ill do it as well! Thats 3 lfs banger drivers so far then, this is gonna be fun!
oh my.. that was funny Have to start "racing" in there too.
That was my first time in there and have to say.. it was worth it!