This weeks theme is... "Kyoto 500"
Rules: (made by Me!! (

Make an edit of the Kyoto 500 Oval race, using screenshots taken from the following replay:
This is a Patch Y replay. It shows as neither "Obsolete Replay" or "OOS Error", and should run fine on Patch Z. If you experience any problems please let me know.
You may edit the picture in any way, but it must be a screenshot from this race.
Some of the high-res versions of the skins used in this race can be found here: http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=44735
Cars: FO8 (XRR (The XRR is the Kyoto 500 safety car, you may show it in part of your edit, but the focus should be on the FO8s)
Track: Kyoto Oval
As usual, a preview pic of no bigger than 400px on one edge, a link to the high res version and please write 'Final Entry' if it is so. Once you have posted your final entry, any edited posts will be removed from the competition.
Any entries with preview pictures bigger than 400px on any one side will not be accepted.
NEW: Sod the 'NEW' format of last week, because it was hopeless. Enter as normal.

All entrants to post between Monday 10th November and 23:59 GMT on Friday 14th November.
No renders or old images to be used. Use only your own work.
Thanks and good luck to all.
Note: If you enter, you must be prepared to provide a theme on Monday if you win, because I cannot start the competition late and have to quickly invent a theme.