The online racing simulator
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So we almost finished our new site.Also it will be in 2 languages(Lithuanian and English) First race start is delayed because we want finish our site and advertise cup for other peoples and teams.New rules are coming.Also we want to open our public server and we are negionating for sponsoring with RacingX team for race server.Thanks for patient and wish to us best luck.
Well DONE!! : /
I see some player how are join to teh cup in November '08..and is so wire that players DRIve like PRO! anyway, i know why this guys MAKE other acount just for this cup...becouse the have allredy and whan it for a freand or something!! is not fair guys, it's not fair...let the real demo player racing the cup!
in another threads i have writen why that hapening.Search in this forum is posted about that.