I'm "kind of" on benefits. I give up
at least 16 hours a week up and I recieve £30 EMA (+ £5 bonus sometimes :woohoo

+ transport in and out (normally 12-15 miles on the bike or £3.10 on the train). I work Mondays and Tuesdays from 9-4 at Halfords Bikehut (fun actually), and then on Thursday I go into my training provider for half a day (9.30-1). I've applied at Halfords (at my managers request) for a full time job until I find something better (or maybe on a long term basis, hey who knows), but they're not recruiting at the moment because of the lack of money floating around
So basically I get around £42 a week
But you mention the national service - If I was somewhat more fit, I would have considered the armed forces. Because, let's face it. With (my) life how it is, and the world as what it's becoming, it's probbably much better to risk death fighting for your country(?) than it is to die back in this shithole. Besides, I'm really good at CSS and COD4, so I'd be awesome.