LFS isn't a Game for me, it's a hobby. Like fishing, you don't catch a fish by going to a dead stream and using Bacon instead of what the fish want to eat, and expect to come home with a trophy fish ready to mount.
I don't need to win alot of races to have fun, like fishing, sometimes it's just enough to try. I fail to see your point Pabs....you belong to a team, if your hobby is suffering, maybe the guys your fishing with aren't for you.
It took well over a year to gain any respect in LFS, I didn't do this by holding WR's and expecting only people who wanted to do the same to come around...I did it by first figuring out a time that I had to race...lets say every Wednesday evening at 9PM EST to 11PM EST. Then I stuck with it, sure enough, every Wednesday I'd see a few racers that had that same time available..some better some worse but that didn't matter. Here was a group of guys that had
1) The same time frame
2) didn't much care if they won or lost as long as they raced clean
3) had an interest in the hobby to the point of wanting it to be fun
4) wanted nothing more than a small return for thier investment, in LFS's case this was the satifaction of doing 25 laps without being wrecked
Low and Behold, I now belong to a team of 9 great gents, We share our up's and downs, such things as my son-in-law dropping and air conditioner on my head and sending everyone a pic of my 7 stiches...things like a team mate who just became a grandfather turning on his cam with the child on his lap, and just BEEMING with pride. Hearing about a new job another team mate got....ect.
Used to be I couldn't buy a race, now NASSA runs an event and we could use 3 servers because so many people show, and still I don't care if i win or lose..just trying is enough.
My point is this Pabs, Like fishing...hang out with fishermen...ones that you see at the docks when you go there, don't show up at 7PM on a Friday and expect to see the same guys that are there 9am on a Tuesday.
A hobby that involves other people, needs to be give and take....be the one willing to give.
I hope you find a hobby that gives you all you put into it..as for me...it's 5:30 AM, cold as heck..I got a hot coffee, a song in my heart, a spring in my step...and I'm off to go Ice fishing with an 82 year old fart that i have nothing more in common with but Ice fishing...but hey, we got a kick a** shed, all the toys (Rods, Tackle, Thermo-meters ect) and if I catch a fish.....BOUNS.
Be Well
If all else fails...don't worry....DAYTONA is just around the corner.