Can anyone recomend a decent usb wireless adapter?
Basicly my Bellkin 54g crapadter has just packed in and I need another thing, my mum denies to wire a ethernet cable up the stairs and I deny to buy another belcrap object to connect to my router due to the ammount of problems I had with this one, Id get a pci card, but tbqh, 1) I dont know if I have a spare slot because my motherboard doesnt seem to have one (see over exposed pictures) 2) Im a lazy shit.

Im assuming since the 8600 plugs into the pci and the slots around it are smaller there not pci slots

Cheers, Jim.

P.s: Could theere be any reason why my built in ethernet port in the motherboard is never picked up? Ive tried looking for drivers and stuff but failed, theres also no sign of it in the hardware manager
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#2 - Jakg
Ethernet could be a BIOS issue? Ever since i updated mine the Ethernet only kicks in every 3rd boot :X

You have PCI-slots - they are the white things.
#3 - TiJay
There's a few good cheap USB adapters you can get online, they never let me down. Just don't remove them often because the plugs have a tendency to snap...
My netgear one has been nothing but trouble free usage for the last year.
Quote from Jakg :Ethernet could be a BIOS issue? Ever since i updated mine the Ethernet only kicks in every 3rd boot :X

You have PCI-slots - they are the white things.

Well I trusted ebuyer and bought there saver one...hoping it will be better than the belkin crap I had.

And how come they seem to be smaller than the one with the graphix card in? Or are my eyes retarded?
The graphics card has a PCI Express card slot. Don't let the name fool you, PCI and PCI Express are not compatible with each other at all.
To make it more confusing, the tiny white slot is also a PCI Express slot, a PCI-E 1x slot. The graphics card has a PCI-E 16x slot, basically 16 of those tiny slots in one big connector.
The bottom purple slot is either an AMR or CMR slot. It was designed for a cheap 56k modem, but those modem riser cards were very hard to get and a normal pci modem was dirt cheap anyway, so nobody bothered to use it.
I know how you feel. Been trying for months to find a cheap wi-fi dongle/PCI card with full x64 Vista support. Gave up and started using my laptop as a router, but I still want an adaptor for the PC to access my home network

E: Disregard that, just bought a Netgear WG111v2 on ebay for €10 that supports Vista x64
Quote from S14 DRIFT :My netgear one has been nothing but trouble free usage for the last year.

+1 that, I used to use a Netgear one which was on a USB cable so you could move it around a bit, WG121 I think, no problems whatsoever.
I have a WPN111 which is also has the USB cable (I think it's a good 1M + or something, so plenty of room. Just don't expect it to work when a microwave is on.