The online racing simulator
Kyoto National Help
(3 posts, started )
Kyoto National Help
Hi I really need some help getting my lap times up. The replay was about the best I could do and yet I'm still slow.

If anyone can take a quick look at my replay and tell me what I'm doing wrong I'd greatly appreciate it

(P.S. The second lap is the main focus)
Attached files
quicklap.spr - 158.8 KB - 248 views
Hey man, I'm pretty sure that your being a little too soft on the accelerator at times, your driving line itself is good. I think if you put a put more acceleration into turn, you will definately get quicker. Correct me if I'm wrong. Hope I helped,

Brake at least 10m later and more aggressively almost everywhere. There's no need to modulate throttle on the oval section, except when you enter it in the last infield corner. There step off it for just long enough to get the car to turn in a bit, don't coast from miles away. You can accelerate far more and earlier in the double right-hander before the first split. Maybe also enter wider in the following long left hander, turn in more and accelerate out harder (full throttle sooner).

Kyoto National Help
(3 posts, started )