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Post your Car!
(15536 posts, closed, started )
I thought the type S had pedals, and the type R had a rope on the front to attach to lawnmovers and stuff.
uglyer O:

that's one awesome car you got there jonesy

bah, beaten by jonesy.... :/
I got:

1. Daewoo FSO Polonez ATU Plus 1.6 GLI
2. Renault Laguna II 1.6 16V
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Well this ain´t mine, altought I really want that to be!
This is my moms husbands summer car, which Ihad an opportunity to drive this summer (tho it didn´t feel that good, but lets just shh about it )

When I grow up I´m going to get one of those myself!
So you can consider this as my car of the future

That's classic beauty... and muscle
I would want that one too.
84 Ford LTD roughly 3inches lower than standard. 4.1L straight 6 and 1650 odd kg

#58 - vari
This is my car "slightly" edited by Huru-aito
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Here's my baby (10pts if you guess the track in the second one ).

I think Tristan is overstating the capabilities of the MX-5 a bit but I can recognise his enthusiasm! They are outrageously good fun and the handling is just perfect. It does all anyone could want a car to do. You don't drive them, they become part of you, like a big, metal suit of joy
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Donnington? I hope Tristan likes that wing :O

Quote from illegal :Donnington?

Well done, 10 points
Quote from Unclefloug :i drive 1996 peugeot 106 Escapade 1.0L, yes thats 1L!! (950cc)
i know wat your all thininking, but really it isn't half nippy, 4spd box, 1st and 2nd gear have great pull! book says it pushes out 50Bhp but i doubt it still does that. its a great first car for a student on a serious budget like me. only problems are she used to go through front brake pads every 4months! but after a new set of discs and a little more experience, they last a fair bit longer now. ive only really got the one pic, its on my changing the pads lol.

I guess your favourite car in LFS would be UF1000

I've seen worse wings, but thats as much as I'm going to say... :P

My opinions on the MX-5 are fairly strong, but I don't think I am overstating them THAT much. The balance is beautiful, and it's quite easy to keep up with stuff (if you're in the right mood) that SHOULD leave you for dead, simply because you know it will give you plenty of notice of it spinning.

But it needs a longer top gear (perhaps 6th in the 1800 is better?), and I wouldn't mind having the LSD from the 1800 version too. In fact, I migh just get one of the 1.8S versions soon(ish).
But you're talking about a point to point comparison on a public road which means practically nothing because the limits are not set by the car, but by the conditions, the ability/bravery/stupidity of the driver and the type of road you're on. You simply can't push a car hard enough on public roads to make a valid comparison because there are far too many variables.

On a track, most things will beat an MX-5, for example this is Autocars Best Drivers Car feature:

It was won by the MX-5, but it's laptime is very average, especially compared to some of the cars you've rubbished. The only arena in which an MX-5 would outshine those cars (Caterham excluded) is on tight and twisty autotest courses, where it's brilliant balance allows you to chuck it around a lot.

Don't get me wrong, I love the car. I'm in the owners club and I've just been to the National Rally (did you go btw Tristan?), but where the car is truly special is not on paper, it's in the driving seat.

Why do you think it needs a longer top gear btw? It seems fine to me.

And if you're going to comment on my spoiler, I shall refer you to your style bars.
My baby...
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Quote from Jase_MK :My baby...

nice... wish they had these in North America
Quote from Jase_MK :My baby...

I'm too much of an Elise fan to appreciate the car, but congrats with that Speedster
My Dad picked up his new toy yesterday. A 1964 TVR Griffith, with 4.7 Small Block Ford V8. We're not sure of it's exact state of tune yet (apart from the fact it's got straight trough pipes!), but I reckon 300hp is getting there. Maybe 320.

It's certainly quick - I had a little drive in it, and barely used half throttle (in a village) - I don't think I've gone past the village church that fast before!!!

I know it smokes a little, but we think one of the piston rings is a bit stuck. It'll probably free off in a few heat cycles, but my Dad wants to give it a bit of a checkover anyway. And fit silencers, cos it's not going to pass an MOT like that.

The camera does a poor job of picking the sound up, but I can tell you it's pretty deafening at 2000rpm :/

The zip file contains a little wmv file of it.

Mods - any chance of allowing wmv's to be posted directly?
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[jeaulous mode]

Damn dude what a ugly car !!1 I bet an MX-5 is much better then that rust-bucket on wheels!

[/jeaulous mode off]

Hrhr gimme gimme Looks awesome
Beat This!
you all think you've got the trickest, fastest most beastest motors around, HAH i got THIS!

it's great for just throwing at forestry tracks etc without ever worrying about the paintwork!

i'll be posting some action shots too after i come back from my little adventure into the kings forest in a couple of days
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This is my best car:lovies3d::heartbeat
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Escort 2.jpg
Escort 4.jpg
Escort 5.jpg
/me closes eyes and shouts la la la la la la la la la to avoid posting...
Quote from Zonda :This is my best car:lovies3d::heartbeat

You actually own that?

/me backs away
well he likes the zonda which is probably the worst looking car in the world ...
hey.. im sure that looks a whoooooooooooooooole lot better than the stock version
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Post your Car!
(15536 posts, closed, started )