Hi.We decided to make a Demoliution derby race with rules witch are similar to real world demoliution derby races.
Race consist from one 8 lap races.You are gaining points for every lap witch you drive.Every lap is worth 3 points.Also you are gaining points for your finish postion.Points for crashing is counted only when you are in "Fight Zone", but crashing is alowed in all track.
Poinst for finish postion
I place - 9 points,
II place- 6 points,
III place - 4 points,
IV place - 3 points,
V place - points,
VI place - points.
Points for crashing:
Light crash-2 points
Big crash-3 points
We will race in BL2 track with XFG and XRG cars.

Red line-means fight zone start.
Black line- fight zone end.
All are wellcome also and S2 licenzed drivers.
If there will be more than 12 drivers we will make and qualifying round in few servers.
Register here writing fost in that form:
Skin: (if not uplouded to LFSw)
Race time:17(CET) to check your time line go here http://www.clocklink.com/world_clock.php
Our site:www.SimRacing.lt
Race consist from one 8 lap races.You are gaining points for every lap witch you drive.Every lap is worth 3 points.Also you are gaining points for your finish postion.Points for crashing is counted only when you are in "Fight Zone", but crashing is alowed in all track.
Poinst for finish postion
I place - 9 points,
II place- 6 points,
III place - 4 points,
IV place - 3 points,
V place - points,
VI place - points.
Points for crashing:
Light crash-2 points
Big crash-3 points
We will race in BL2 track with XFG and XRG cars.

Red line-means fight zone start.
Black line- fight zone end.
All are wellcome also and S2 licenzed drivers.
If there will be more than 12 drivers we will make and qualifying round in few servers.
Register here writing fost in that form:
Skin: (if not uplouded to LFSw)
Race time:17(CET) to check your time line go here http://www.clocklink.com/world_clock.php
Our site:www.SimRacing.lt