I'm creating a CarFocus tool that helps moviemakers shooting their scene. It works quit well but i'm having trouble with the following idea:
I've created a 'CameraPath' where camera setting/locations are sent to LFS after some time. This works really nice if you want to move the camera around a car. The same technique Victor used in the promotion video.: 0.15 till 0.45 seconds. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsYGl5fK93Q
Atm, you just have to press 'Play' and the program will move the cameras for you. (Time isnt a factor here) See: http://vimeo.com/2509710
However, when you want to shoot a battle (where time is a factor) you gotta start the sequence at the right time.
If you start too early or too late with the activation, all the camera won't focus at the right spot, because the cars are already gone. I think an accuracy of 0.1 second should be enough and doable.
- Request LFS for the race time and use it for a trigger. (this means i have to request the racetime packet every 0.1 second, and then compute all the camera stuff)
- To give the moviemaker more time to activate the timeline is by slowing the replay down to 0.5x or 0.25x. (Maybe as last resort, because I don't wanna force the moviemakers to shoot their scene in slomo)
- Use a LFSdata as trigger, given a sector time in a lap as activation. So if a driver crosses a split, the timeline will be activated. (The moviemaker has to calculate the time between the split and the time of the 'movie scene'.
Any ideas how to solve this 'problem'?
Screenshot of the CarFocus Timeline: (The length of the button corresponds with the time it takes to switch to the next camera location.)

I've created a 'CameraPath' where camera setting/locations are sent to LFS after some time. This works really nice if you want to move the camera around a car. The same technique Victor used in the promotion video.: 0.15 till 0.45 seconds. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsYGl5fK93Q
Atm, you just have to press 'Play' and the program will move the cameras for you. (Time isnt a factor here) See: http://vimeo.com/2509710
However, when you want to shoot a battle (where time is a factor) you gotta start the sequence at the right time.
If you start too early or too late with the activation, all the camera won't focus at the right spot, because the cars are already gone. I think an accuracy of 0.1 second should be enough and doable.
- Request LFS for the race time and use it for a trigger. (this means i have to request the racetime packet every 0.1 second, and then compute all the camera stuff)
- To give the moviemaker more time to activate the timeline is by slowing the replay down to 0.5x or 0.25x. (Maybe as last resort, because I don't wanna force the moviemakers to shoot their scene in slomo)
- Use a LFSdata as trigger, given a sector time in a lap as activation. So if a driver crosses a split, the timeline will be activated. (The moviemaker has to calculate the time between the split and the time of the 'movie scene'.
Any ideas how to solve this 'problem'?
Screenshot of the CarFocus Timeline: (The length of the button corresponds with the time it takes to switch to the next camera location.)