August 2011 News:
A 16 bits TDRT IGTC movie:
Please..remember, that there will always be something better.
The movie is dedicated to one of our best in racing - and overall:
TDRT Bert Knops
Some TDRT News:
After two IGTC races, Jacob Chortsen has joined TDRT. He´s a strong FXR Danish racer improving day by day.
"JUST" behind him - and close to get a TDRT member after his massive three hours stint IGTC round two, "TDRT green only" - K.Nestoras.
He did a strong performance without any mistakes and was able to show his potential.
Compliments to him as well.
Three new trials: Halleborn, Ajuntun and Hesteng1968 - let´s see about this...
A couple of minor races upcoming, despites the IGTC league for us - but two times Germany:
The Annual 16 & 24 hours races.
You take good care, all LFS friends.
June 2011 News:
A late THANK YOU !!

We will try to win it again Year 2011..
Driver News:
Canadian Keven Harvey, Deathitself, left TDRT 15 Apr '11. For sure he did great races for the team. We agreed on staying connected, and will still ask him to get into a FXR for TDRT for an upcoming 12 or 24 hours race to come.
Two new Danish racers have arrived the TDRT camps: Lasse Hansen and Jacob Chortsen. "Green Trials" these days, but already planned for a possible TDRT #2 IGTC car this season.
Some news about "The Old Red TARD´s":
We of course stay FXR endurance racers and most of our leagues and races are covered at www.TDRT.dk
Four/five of us are participating in the Belgium League, Info´s at www.Liveforspeed.be
Fischer/Knops/Hagner/Tuutijärvi the primary IGTC drivers this year, it looks like.
Another four/five play golf and enjoy the summertime. One is on a everlasting festival..

Dave Farmer is back after a little break and Mikael Svensson just had another birthday, now aged 34 ;-) ...
Leagues and Events:
GTAL past season has been fine, finishing fourth was a bit unlucky at the very end, but a good result.
IGTC race win at SO4 a great memory, so was the win of the BlackByte Bootcamps - 24 Hours Aston Historic Rev.
TDRT´s focus is IGTC, GTAL, 16 Hours and 24 Hours for the final month of this year, but our..own TDRT Take II League:
It´s an invitation league with 18 sign-up´s so far. We´d like to have at least seven more drivers, before we launch this league, races on wednesdays. PM me for more information about it please.
Actually, we are considering skipping our servers, as we find, there are more then just a few other (empty) servers arround. Decision isn´t made yet..
Like always, racers with interest in FXR mainly, minimum of age is still 18 years.
Looking for:
A skinner! TDRT, it looks like, is racers only, knowledge about paint, but that´s about it.
We´d like to have a good and new 2010/11 skin. PM me, if you are interested in this " little " job.
Finally.Excellent to see a test patch and progress of LFS. Good job & TY, Scavier.

December 2010 News:
Another TDRT birthday.

Let´s celebrate and thanks to all of you for another good year of simracing. It was a good year for us, the "famous" FXR underdogs.
With only three racers leaving and three new talents joining it was a rather quiet year off-track for the management. More important:
On the race tracks we this year enjoyed some great moments, like the IGTC race win Round 6/South City Long rev or the DoP Tours 2009 & 2010 races (both finishing 3rd), the 16 Hours Race by Racing Minds (2nd) or the German LTCC season (3rd), nominated for Best Newcomer Driver & Team.
These days we are preparing for the upcoming GTAL race as well as the 24 Hours race Jan. 8th.
The 2011 skins for TDRT just need some polishing, but will become published soon.
A big "Thank You" from me to all active and former TDRT drivers for 4 years TDRT.
August 2010 News:
Driver News:
Canadian Keven Harvey joined TDRT the 3rd of May 2010.
Keven enjoys the cargame servers (tks., Dave) and is the brave TDRT driver of the second IGTC car season 2010.
Dutch Bert Knobs joined TDRT the 5th of July.
Like Keven a rather experienced racer with great race potential. Second IGTC driver in car TDRT #2 this season.
Some news about "The Old Red TARD´s":
Torben Jessen got a nomination in the past LTCC season as "Best Newcomer".
Sebastian Fischer main force in this league, finishing overall 4th with same points as 3th, not having participated in all rounds.
Jens Schuran finished his German ESL league with a good result - on a little summerbreak these days.
Andreas (Youngster) Kongshavn with a very good performance at Westhills IGTC race. Looking forward to the 16 Hours race already.
Mikael Svensson a strong help in the TDRT organized AS4r races and always good for a podium finish.
Les White, feared at AS3 in his FXR, hopefully soon to see again in a endu race at the 16 Hours race at FE4r in October.
Leagues and Events:
Ongoing IGTC season looks good so far. Second TDRT car adds motivation to all of our drivers.
Managed 3th after a rather strong finish in German LTCC.
Nominated as "Best Team" in LTCC.
Main drivers L. White and D. Farmer finished in the middle of the field in past GTAL season in GT2.
Both TDRT orgainzed AS4r Endu races was a good experience to all participants, we feel.
TDRT Public Endurance server is still online, just waiting for more racers.
TDRT Public Endurance / 20 laps SO1 / GTR & TBO
TDRT IGTC Train / ? laps ? track /GTR
TS: passworded - Password via PM
Racers with interest in FXR mainly, minimum of age is still 18 years.
December 2009 News:
10th December 2009 - TDRT becomes 3 years old.
German Jens Schuran (29) joined TDRT the 20th of November.
Some news about "The Old Red TARD´s":
Jessen, Fischer and Svensson doing a very good job in the ongoing German LTCC season.
The same triple will try to beat some XRR/FZR´s at this weekends 12 Hours DoP race.
White,Thurbin,Farmer will try to get a Top 10 position the upcoming GTAL race.
Schuran just finished his last German ESL race with a good result and will become a strong IGTC racer in 2010.
Kongshavn broke his arm again. Almost a tradition and for the second time around the 16 Hours race :-D
Bausdorf doing a great job helping TDRT with required skins and renders.
Leagues and Events:
Participating in LTCC, ESL, GTAL and DoP. The TDRT´s 4x4 Rallyfun server is always good for some different and exciting races.
Early November 2009 News:
Driver Carousel:
Even TDRT likes the Turbo, the latest driver carousel was just a bit too fast and results in some major changes in the TDRT camps:
D.Ratcliffe joined F1rst
P.Mante joined n!faculty
C.Reetz joined Xcite
D.Adelin leaves TDRT
Some news about "The Old Red TARD´s":
Eleven TDRT members will remain in our team, looking again for all the fun LFS offers more then a top league.
FXR will remain TDRT´s car, the FZR/XRR are cars we want to beat on the tracks, but not race in.
Age becomes a more important factor for joining TDRT. 18 years minimum without any exceptions in future.
Leagues and Events:
With FZR drivers taking alternatives, we had to withdraw from the ongoing MoE season. LTCC and GTAL we are/will be participating in.
October 2009 News:
Driver Carousel:
- Dino Ratcliffe re-joins TDRT after a short stay at My3id Gaming.
- Chris Venus a FXR@AS3 specialist, didn´t want to commit himself to TDRT, after having had the longest trialmembership in TDRT history. ;-)
- Sebastian Fischer became full member and is already well etablished in our team. Being another enforcement to the FXR crew of TDRT, he´s also potential in FZR - at least as a reserve driver. ;-). Catch of the past three month for TDRT.
- Youngster D.Adelin got his red TDRT tag as well. He´s very busy these days with other projects, but we hope to see more of this, in many ways, talented racer.
- So is "Trekkerfahrer" Christopher Reetz, and now as well in red TDRT colours. Planned as FZR@MoE driver we hope to see more of him soon. Main force behind the TDRT Public Endurance Server.
- German Paul Spannemann joins TDRT. He likes the MoE and ESL, his primary racing focus for the time being.
- R.Schlieker leaves TDRT and enjoys a LFS break.
- "Kiste" C.Kistner gets a 500.000 Euro contract from his old team Xcite. Unfortunate for all of TDRT to see him leave.
Some news about "The Old Red TARD´s":
[TDRT] T.Jessen turned 18 the 22nd of August, of course it had to be same day as a IGTC round was helt, like seen before with D.Ratcliffs 18 years birthday (March 27th-MoE). Bad planning, parents. ;-)
[TDRT] G.Noll turns 46 years young 4 days ago. Happy Birthday once more.
[TDRT] M.Bausdorf still going strong in his German Slalom Carting Championships 2009.
Leagues and Events:
- Since 1st August 2009 TDRT is happy to have a new mainsponsor, www.Dragonbikes.dk . Thanks again to our sponsor during the past two years, www.Jonasengros.dk.
- 5th and 12th July we organised another Rally Fun event. Not too many racers showed up but the guys on track had their fun once more racing the rally track at Blackwood combined with a very special layout for this track.
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AV1ium_5uxo )
- To replace/continue the Danish TDRT League 2009, on 1st of August we launched our TDRT Public Endurance Server. It´s way off a finished project and to us it looks like we are offering some "French Cuisine" here as the racers we´d actually wanted to see on this server do have time for some "Fast Food" only, very busy with their own preparation for the major leagues of LFS. We´ll be coming up with different ideas shortly.
- With 32 points ahead in the overall standings the final round of the LFS Beginner's Cup/NDR Challenge it all looked like a " piece of cake " for our youngster TDRT D.Adelin - better known as Bambo, for his race. But with various technial problems during his final race of this series, which forced him to retire from the race, he at the very end had to see himself overtaken in the overall standings by David Novak. But still 2nd overall is a very good result and "shit just happens" sometimes.
- Some of us participated in the FXR Mini League 2009 and to our surprise it turned out very well not only as of TDRT G.Noll as the overall league winner, but good overall TDRT presentations in this league.
-TDRT entered the German LTCC league by www.race-star.de. Well organised, it´s a very strong FXR only league and we after a few races we can see that it´s not going to be an easy task for us to even just once get on the podium against mostly German racers.
- With TDRT P.Mante a new league came to TDRT. The ESL Racing Championship 2009. Paul does all he can in this league but will have to face the same facts like his teammates do in the LCCT. Still, after five helt rounds he´s to find in the upper field of the racers in the overall standings with good chances to be able to finish this season in the Top10.
- In September we got invited to participate in a 9 Hours Aston Grand Touring race. The TDRT FXR´s had a good day and Sebastian Fischer and me were able to even let the EER XRR behind us ( :-D ) and win this race. Was quite fun and a hole new experience to race a race in front of the field for hours. The other TDRT car finished good 4th position, after suffering engine damage at early stage of the race.
- IGTC 2009: Another season of the IGTC just came to an end but the TDRT race finish,17th position, at Kyoto costs some positions in the overall standings at the very end. For the first time in FZR, this years IGTC season is considered "satisfactory".
- We entered the MoE season in FZR this year. No SC = No FXR. TDRT FZR drivers are ready to take up the challenge, and it´s going to be "their" major league for TDRT, as the IGTC 2010 will be reserved for our "pure" FXR drivers. On our first appearance at Kyoto Long things don´t look bad at all, a bit unlucky with a single disconnect, but " shit happens" sometimes.
Sidenote: The on 5th December 2009 planned TDRT organised AS4 Endurance Race has been cancelled due to a MoE event happening same day.
- Quali is just over for the 16 Hours Aston North Reverse Event organised by RacindMinds and things look good for TDRT, GT1 will start on 3rd position and 8 TDRT racers with their two TDRT FXR´s are looking forward for the race to come upcoming weekend.
- The non-MoE, non-IGTC of TDRT will prepare a restricted FXR for the upcoming GTAL season and are looking forward to it already.
- The upcoming Desire of Patience Tour 2010 ( DoP ) season looks like a good opportunity for the "waiting" IGTC 2010 drivers, and there is a good change that TDRT will be entering this league.
July 2009 News:
Unfortunatley, Fabio didn´t make it in the team as he simply didn´t have enought time for LFS. TBO speed he had loads..
Dino Ratcliffe wants to become a very fast FZR racer these days, not likely to happen here in the TDRT camps, where we are all new to this RWD car. But best wishes to this nice guy and all of TDRT hopes now that he´ll "get there" in his new team, My3id Gaming.
Luxembourgese A.Lang joined TDRT, recovering from a little LFS break and after helt two official TDRT races we were allowed to made him a fully member of TDRT. Also quite busy IRL, his focus will be on major leagues only plus a few Endurance Races during a season/year.
C.Venus, S.Fischer, D.Adelin and last but not least C.Reetz are new TDRT names. For the time being in green TDRT trial colours but hopefully soon wearing red tags.
The only 15 years old TDRT youngstar D. Adelin already had a fine first offical TDRT race in the FXR Mini Series, a league he is going to try to win.
Our "Old" members are more or less on a summerbreak these days, see our own helt TDRT League, and here their results..

Some news from "The red tags":
[TDRT] R.Schlieker is about to have finished his job on his self-build race cockpit, picture attached.
[TDRT] M.Bausdorf is going quite well this season in the German Slalom Carting Championships 2009 and an overall podium finish is still in reach.
[TDRT] G.Noll raced the German organised UTCM, 2 hours races, unfort. the season ended earlier then expected, with G.Noll on a good 4th overall position.
[TDRT] C.Kistner takes the WR at SO6r in XRR.
[TDRT] M.Svensson agrees to become TDRT co-manager.
Feel free to join our public TS channel and have a chat with the TDRT racers.
Leagues and Events:
Our April fool the "Expropriating of TDRT. Liked by the most and some got quite surprised.
IGTC 2009: Struggeling a bit but still on an overall 9th position, let´s see what upcoming Kyoto race will bring.
ICUP 2009: Season ended with [TDRT] R.Schlieker overall 4th, and TDRT 2nd.
Danish TDRT League 2009: Good & Fair races in the TBO´s & GTR´s cars and a extension planned to start in August 2009 ( TDRT League - Take II )
TDRT Rally Fun Event 5th and 12th July - for DEMO and S2. In RB4´s it was good fun last year already, let´s see how these events will turn out to be and not to forget the question: " Is a Demoracer the King of the BL Rallytrack or will it be a S2 racer?" Sign up for this fun event.
5th December 2009 TDRT plans to organise a AS4 Endurance Race, 12 or even 24 hours we don´t now yet, things are still on a planning phase but there is very likely going to be an event this day(-s).
April 2009 News:
-March 27th, [TDRT] D.Ratcliffe had his 18 years birhday. Big day for him. Congratulations once more.
-S.Mathei and T.Davidis left TDRT last month. Good luck and races to the both of you.
-Trialmembers and AS3@FXR specialists [TDRT] D.Farmer (37) and [TDRT] L.White (47) - numbers are age, not startnumbers - as of today become become full TDRT members, prim. enforcing the existing TDRT FXR armada furthermore.
-With now 7 TDRT-members arround the age 40, TDRT really is getting older and that´s a good thing.
-Our remaining trialmember [TDRT] Fábio Araújo, brother of a known SpeedCore racer, shows strong races in the TBO leagues as well as in the TDRT league. Plans are to have him joining the Jessen/Ratcliffe double in FZR@IGTC. Only time can show if he can commit himself towards LFS and TDRT, as of his buzy real live. TDRT still crosses fingers on this matter as Fabio has great race potential.
Events,Races and Leagues:
-Our first MoE season has finished. Thanks to the admins of this series for having us in the FXR, even in the GT1 class right away, this season. It was a complete misjudgement of the TDRT management towards its MoE signed up TDRT drivers this year. Clearly WE were GT1 favourites and should have won this years MoE with TDRT´s GT1 FXR.
Our resigning from last race at Kyoto National turned out to be a positive matter, as we were able to support our partnerteam SERT with one driver, enforcing our friendship furthermore.
- IGTC good start. New to us the FZR, we managed two good rounds and are surprised to see us running 6th overall in the general standings. Here as well a thanks to the admins of this league, doing a lot for this series and LFS in general.
- Danish TDRT Race League 2009 launched. TBO´s and GTR´s having longer races every Wednesday turns out to be a success. 20 two man teams have entered and close and fair racing is to see all the time.
- The "TDRT meets LFSLA cooperation" is a new started project between Pablo, LFSLA administrator and me and yesterdays 9 hours endurance race was a very promising start already, finishing on podium. [TDRT] R.Schlieker and Pablo showed a great race pace.
- Thanks to team PLZ for organizing the Italian Icup 2009. Once more here Schlicker is able to keep up with the fastest Italian racers, being on a overall 2nd place now.
-Rallycross December. This fun event still receives ours and others attention and will have a follow up soon. Plans are to once more have a interesting layout for the BL2 rally track, have the best S2 racers qualify for the actual event via Airio lapper - at the same time the TDRT Demo server will be changed to the same track, just without layout, as demo only. The 6 best S2 racers of the S2 " with layout" event will then finally race against the 6 best demo drivers on a very final race event, incl. a sponsored S2 licence for the instance, a Demo racer would win this very last event. TDRT is still in a preparing and organizing stage on this events. An announcement will be made in time.
In need of:
We have asked arround a bit now, but it turns out that LFS community is busy and TDRT is not able to provide a few things, here especially towards our own TDRT league. We´d very much like to get in contact with "new and unknown":
-Race commentators
-Replay recap makers
-Especially Livestreamer.
We find the TDRT league races interesting enought to be live broadcasted and followed up with a single movie or two.
Finally, thanks to all of you we "just" might have forgotten here in the April updates of TDRT.
January 2009 News:
-TDRT will for upcoming leagues change their car and participate in the GT1 FZR. More and more TDRT drivers will be racing the XRR/FZR. Anyways, a few of us will stick to the FXR in 2009 for some cups, leagues and pick-up racing.
-Even the skin package isn´t quite finished yet we´d like to present our teamskins for 2009 designed and made by [TDRT] Dino Ratcliffe, most of them rendered by [TDRT] M.Bausdorf.
-TDRT will still have its focus at GTR endurance races and interested racers are welcome to present themselves via a one month trialmembership.