This is easily prevented. Join a race in progress after the pit lane opened, find a position where there is no car in sight in front or behind you, drive a fast lap and start at the front next race.
Oh terrible sorry chap. Didn't mean to offend you. All I did was a make a thread (didn't see any others) about it, and Bob agreed. I didn't know any-one else and I wasn't saying it like "HA IN UR FAEC I G0T HIM 2!11", I merely explained what happened...
Not offended in the slightest. I just thought it was amusing that you claimed it was you alone that got Sam to agree to make this change and decided to comment on it.
No you didn't. You made a thread about opening race 1 to S2 tracks. It was others that mentioned maybe adding STD cars to race 2. It also had been discussed in this thread.
No you didn't. You explained it as your ego saw it but like I said earlier, lets not let facts get in the way of your ego.
Of course I like, the only place where noobs gets kicked, elsewhere they're still ramming around and I don't even want to bother reporting them,
they're not going to get a ban so doesn't care if you report or not. But CTRA is different, that's why I prefer it.
Hmm, seems like someone has a problem with me. (Suprise suprise) Well again, sorry you 'think it's my ego getting in the way of the facts'. All I did was say that Sam will open up Race 2 to STD class alongside the TBO class. Sorry your interpretation is based upon premeditated assumptions about me (which are obviously pretty wrong in the first place), rather than what I actually said, without being a literal git.
S14, don't take this personal, but it did come accross like that. You made it sound like it was your sole merrit, when it was in fact a result of a discussion in which a number of different people participated and put forth different ideas/suggestions