WTF?! Is that real??
Attached images
!!!! Lol!!!!
I'm using Linux, mine life is open source

But I can't find memory address for amount of mine cash Halp mi!
Quote from danthebangerboy :Looks like meme makers cant spell diarrhoea properly.

diarrhea = AE, diarrhoea = BE. You're still right because we all know BE is proper English
Quote from morpha :diarrhea = AE, diarrhoea = BE. You're still right because we all know BE is proper English

Yeah!! I didnt realise there were two spellings, i guess its like color/colour. center/centre, our way is better!
Quote from danthebangerboy :Yeah!! I didnt realise there were two spellings, i guess its like color/colour. center/centre, our way is better!

Meter, metre. Favorite, favourite. Lift, elevator. Flat, apartment. Subway, underground. Gas station, petrol station. "I have", "I've got (also gotten)". etc
I prefer AE.
ZOMG then I did okay in my english essay!! I used Favourite instead of Favorite! \o/ take it f4g teacher!
Quote from Gills4life :That has already been posted quite recently. Funny pic though!

Aww, still had me laughing for good 5 mins

BTW, lol at your avatar
Quote from Gills4life :Haha that's great I got that on DVD. Eddie Izzard is a fantastic comedian!


"You say "erbs" and we say "Herbs" becuase it has a F*****g H in it"
Quote from danthebangerboy :Yeah!! I didnt realise there were two spellings, i guess its like color/colour. center/centre, our way is better!

Three actually, I remember seeing a post where some numpty spelt it "Dire Rear" ... which isn't that far wrong when you think about it!

Awesome C&H again today

I wonder, how fat that chick was

Edit: Ooh, and look at her boobz ... wtf, these ... omfg
nice b00bs, even if photoshopped or not.
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The inevitable picture thread II: Return of the funnies
(5404 posts, closed, started )