Right, got TR: Underworld today, but I'm unable to even start the second level due to me being scared shitless of water after TR1
The second I hit the water I instantly Alt+F4'ed
I've tried 3 times since then, but the furthest I got was actually diving. Then it's just blue sea all around and I get ascared (same thing happened watching "open water", but I managed to not have a panic attack in the cinema)
I'll probably do it later by playing some music at the same time, but it's really too bad to do now...
Apart from that, this is my first TR since 1, which I almost completed. I also had Angel of Darkness for PS2, which was average at best
So, post your TR experiences in here

Apart from that, this is my first TR since 1, which I almost completed. I also had Angel of Darkness for PS2, which was average at best

So, post your TR experiences in here