This weeks theme is... "Top Gear"
Rules: (made by me, these will not be changed)
Create an edit around the theme of Top Gear. Can be related to anything top gear... Supercar tests, Star in the reasonably priced car, TG specials (America special, Polar special etc.), Challenges.
Cars: All Cars
Tracks: All Tracks
As usual, a preview pic of no bigger than 400px on any of the sides, a link to the high res version and please write 'Final Entry' if it is so. Once you have posted your final entry, any edited posts will be removed from the competition.
Any entries with preview pictures bigger than 400px on any one side will not be accepted.
Once you have entered, please send me a PM with the theme you would like for next week, to be used incase you win
All entrants to post between Monday 12th January and 23:59 GMT on Friday 23rd January
(Entry period now 2 weeks)
No renders or old images to be used. Use only your own work.
Thanks and good luck to all.