The online racing simulator
Event 10, Blackwood Rallycross
Ok this is a dirt race. Can anybody explain to me why I get a "hotlap invalid (ground)" message! We are supposed to go off the tarmac .
#2 - Z0iC
Quote from HeerBommel :Ok this is a dirt race. Can anybody explain to me why I get a "hotlap invalid (ground)" message! We are supposed to go off the tarmac .

Don't touch the grass, that'll trigger the HLVC ground invalidation.
Quote from Z0iC :Don't touch the grass, that'll trigger the HLVC ground invalidation

I suppose I should avoid the green. Bit silly during a Rally but I'll try to do so
Bommel Bommel Bommel toch ! Altijd lastig doen hé !
Quote from GianniC :Bommel Bommel Bommel toch ! Altijd lastig doen hé !

Nononono, Giannino. Made a toptime off the grass already. Good for .... pool last but one?
#6 - agor
So Pool1 race2...many ppl got disconect...could be nice if someone can explain that...And what is going to happen with this 2nd race?
Waiting for info...
The OLFSL staff has already examined the Pool 1, Race 2 disconnect situation and has reached a decision. The FienDis will publish it on the site.

Solar Hydro, Appeals Arbiter
Quote from Solar Hydro :The FienDis will publish it on the site.

Can you post it here now, so I can hear it before going to sleep?
Hmm, hopefully a get a re run of the race, I never thought that this would be done but scene as Ant said it I suppose we can hope, I was playing pingpong anyway, I felt like a pretty boy in prison bending over for the soap......
Quote from Bawbag :Hmm, hopefully a get a re run of the race, I never thought that this would be done but scene as Ant said it I suppose we can hope, I was playing pingpong anyway, I felt like a pretty boy in prison bending over for the soap......

Hard to figure out why heat 1 went so well and heat 2 crashed, just before it happened this message appeared. MPR Stash Space....

Da FienDis' will let us all know what's to be done in regard to heat 2.

The OLFS Server (+) acted up today, that's why NASSA had a backup in place, all we're doing is trying to keep it in mind when posting on this thread.

Anyway Heat 1 in the first pool was a great race, you guys drove like pros, of course some bumping but really......Rally is never having to say you're SORRY

Take Care
No problem, I'm here to help, too!
Thanks Nassa, we really appreciate your help!
Quote from AtomAnt :

The OLFS Server (+) acted up today, that's why NASSA had a backup in place, all we're doing is trying to keep it in mind when posting on this thread.

Ant you've got the wrong end of the stick mate, I wasn't having a go about the timeouts, I was talking about what a sh!t race I had.

I said that I didn't think this would happen, Ie have a race rerun because i've never seen it happend before.

I posted right after this "race" and that was my dig which obviously shouldn't have but I was pretty pee'd off.

Prophet, it's ok, it's rally cross and a little amouunt of contact is fine, I don't get out it works though, you hit my front end and my front end spins back lol, It's a shame The Mask was so close, he went through me like a tank.

I goota apologised too, just after this incident I got going again and was going past the tyres when Owl came along (I though everybody was past) and he had to brake to avoid me and hit the tyres, sorry, my blood was boiling by this point.

EDIT: Oh yea I forgot, anybody want to see what happens when lag occurs?

Ps, watch incar with Three Jump or me, the surprise was quite ehm....amusing? illepall
Attached files
lag lap hell.mpr - 138.3 KB - 356 views
Bawbag: I had to brake a little there, but no harm done Nice gesture of you to let me pass right after that
Server two had good races, but we had our turn 1 problems too.
I was in the back, but got turned into a pinball in turn 1 (lag was a problem, it seems). My car got pounded. My right rear had major suspension damage, and on this track, that made things really difficult. Watch the replay from my car with the steering wheel turned on... man, I worked up a sweat! Plus, the A pillar was bent over so it was blocking my view. The car was drivable, but I was about a second a lap slower than I should have been.
Race two went much better for me.
It was a fun day, thanks again to the OLFSL for running the league.

Oh, and just a note, we did run a lag start... but I think we should have let it run a bit longer before restarting. I don't know why that helps, but it sure seems to work.
Making the lag lap longer? Maybe more advantages to it than I though as I thought it was just because with everyone going from the loading screen straight into a race it creates lag and this doesn't happen as bad with a normal restart.

Owl, if you get a chance press F10 at my car at this point, my front right was full red so I would have let you past regardless, or whoever came up behind me for that matter.
Hi Hallen,

Just reading your comment about the lagstart. On pool 5 FienDi gave us a long start, for a moment I thought he forgot to restart.

I haven't had loads of experience, so how long would you suggest a good lagstart to be?

Johnathan Russ (host pool 2)
Quote from russraine :I haven't had loads of experience, so how long would you suggest a good lagstart to be?

i think before the first car passes the 1st split is the latest, but i think at least the first (and maybe the second) corner, to get the drivers some kind of warmup / help to find the breakpoint

my 2 cents

any other ideas?
Was a Rough day all round BawBag, remember I was watching your pool ( as host) I seen alot of what went on, and from all the other replays I got, heat 1 in pool one was the very cleanest of the week.

Some of the battles were just fantastic to watch, I was so dam pleased after the grid problems we had on server (+), thought the rest of the day was going to be flawless......but alas....t'was not to be.

We at NASSA have offered the server up and as i said will test fly it this coming Sunday in a Grueling 45 lap shoot out with MAX # of drivers, There will be room for 34 drivers on two servers for details.

Wednesday Evening will be the Gun Runner 6 Shooter, 6 x 6 lap heats details will follow in the Leagues and Event thread.

Hats off to all who kept thier cool through this most difficult time, lets just all move ahead and make da FienDis' league da best in LFS.

My Sundays haven't been this fun since a Girl named Allyson, but that's another story.

Take care all and Becareful out there in the Real World
Pool 2
Just saw the results, not that bad day as I thought, second highest points of the season so far afterall. The race 1 wasnt nice, got in crashes in lap 1 about 3 times. Bad luck...maybe. And was it lap 13 (hmmm) when Diefor, (one lap behind) spinned in front of me and I crash with him and about 3 guys passes me. I was pretty pissed off after the race. I dont normally get upset but I just felt that this was wrecking race all the way, it was horrible. Felt bad specially when I found what the starting order would be, getting back of the grid because some other peoples bad driving just wasnt fair. And in race 2 I was the highest climber so bite that

When hotlapping I liked rallycross, and felt that I would love to race in slippy mud. But no, I hate it again.
Quote from Blackout :And was it lap 13 (hmmm) when Diefor, (one lap behind) spinned in front of me and I crash with him and about 3 guys passes me. I was pretty pissed off after the race. I dont normally get upset but I just felt that this was wrecking race all the way, it was horrible. Felt bad specially when I found what the starting order would be, getting back of the grid because some other peoples bad driving just wasnt fair.

You do know you can file a complaint?
Yeah, but how would that change anything?