The online racing simulator
Parental problem/life issues.
(67 posts, started )
#51 - 5haz
Just ridicule your parents/siblings for having jobs, I feel so great when my sister has to get up early on a Saturday to go to work, while I can lay in all day if I like.

I'll get a job when I need one thanks.
#52 - Jakg
You may say you can't wait until your 18, but for you it's only a few months away so you could just put up and shut up until then. You also said that 6th form wasn't for you - what qualifications do you have atm? And what are they?

I have a lot of friends that say they can't get jobs, but places like McDonalds & Burger King are hiring, and even someone with the intelligence of a pencil sharpener could get in there - what about Supermarkets? Or even shops like Phones4U (the one round here is hiring) - I don't mean to be rude but there are lots of places that are hiring, people just want the job that suits them, but unfortunately everyone has to sell out their dream and work in a shit whole for the first few years (I mean wtf PC World! :X)

I'm in the similar situation atm - My Dad is an Alcoholic and a terrible terrible man when he gets drunk and if it wasn't for my job then he'd probably of done something very bad to me by now - All I can do atm is just keep busy until I go off to Uni...

@ 5haz - You may find it funny, but some of us have to work at the weekends just to pay for the Petrol to get to School during the week :P

EDIT - Sure Sainsburies aren't hiring atm? My friend who works there earns £6.0something an hour and has no real skills, because he's over 18 - if you get a job there now you can be on something silly like £4-5 ph for a month or two and then have extra cash flow for everything else when your old enough to go out and get pissed.

Is the GF part of the issue in all this? Without sound all lovey-dovey without Ellie (the gf) then I probably wouldn't have a job or a car or be remotely positive atm - I think I just needed someone to kick me off my PC and my arse out of this chair and actually make me do something productive with my life :P
Uhm, just C grades in basically everything.

I'm waiting on the local B.K place to ring me when he has a part time job availible, I, apprently, have something lined up through my course that I need to check out on Monday and will be following that up.

But what's so bad about Pook world, I'd quite like to work there.
#54 - Jakg
PK world? If you ever tell a geek you work there, their eyes glaze over and they instantly assume that every word you spout is bollocks and that you take great pleasure in lying to customers and are about as technical as a small block of wood.

Maths and English above a C-Grade? Got any College courses under your belt? What do you want to be doing? If you started working part time, plus doing a part time college course you could end up with EMA (£30 a week isn't immense, but it's a days wages which is handy for sitting on your arse) and you'd at least be on the road somewhere.
Uhm, C grade in Maths and English. I screwed up my GCSE's but hey, it's the past. I'm doing some qualifications as part of my course, I'm on EMA for working at least 16 hours a week in a work placement (which, apparently, can lead to a job), which is what I'm doing now.

They're trying to find me an apprenticeship in something, engineering or the like.

I may look into a part time college course, but I definatly can't do any serious classroom stuff, 1 or 2 days a week I may be able to handle. It's the large amount of work at home I have to do that gets me.
#56 - 5haz
Quote from Jakg :

@ 5haz - You may find it funny, but some of us have to work at the weekends just to pay for the Petrol to get to School during the week :P

Ahh, I didnt mention the fact that apart from money on vital things such as food, I spend next to nothing every month (on average). As for getting to college, I now walk mostly, and its about 3 miles.

Hence when I do find some friends who want to do things other than stay at home, and I do get a car, I will get a job; when I need one.
#57 - Jakg
I wish i'd done what my friend did - Got a 1 day a week job in Tesco's, but just never spent any money (because he lived close and got the bus to School, doesn't really go out with mates etc) and then quit when 6th form got harm with several thousand in the bank which he just keeps creaming interest off
#58 - 5haz
Quote from Jakg :I wish i'd done what my friend did - Got a 1 day a week job in Tesco's, but just never spent any money (because he lived close and got the bus to School, doesn't really go out with mates etc) and then quit when 6th form got harm with several thousand in the bank which he just keeps creaming interest off

Indeed, I will get a job sometime, and my EMA comes in every week, and I still have money I got back this time last year.

But my mates are still boring.
Talking of EMA, it has a habbit of not going in on time. Was supposed to go in yesterday. If it's not in on Monday, I'm gunna go wild. They've been late with payments for 2 weeks running now. And for the last month I haven't had any transport money, so it's been even harder money wise.
#60 - AMB
I get EMA from College too

anyway on topic, I know how you feel in certain ways, I just don't tell anyone what goes on, instead I just do bad things

One example, My dad read my bank statement today and moaned at me for spending money apparently I shouldn;t have a gf because they cost too much money.

among other things :S
#61 - Jakg
EMA - Things I wish I had

My friend is always complaining his never goes in (i.e. he didn't get any for the first 2 months of term) but you will get it (and what your owed) in the end...

OT - But I hate EMA - The same friend (who I ironically call "Grant") gets EMA (the full £30 a week) because his Dad is retired (although strictly speaking it's his grandad but thats a very VERY long story), but they seem to ignore the fact that his Dad owns several flats in the Docklands (for any non-UK'ers - it's a fancy area in London where a 1 bed flat would of costed £600k about 5 years ago) and lots of other houses outright due to slick trading... If he goes to University the government will chuck yet more money at him whereas because my parents earn more but are attrocious with money i will get pretty much FA...

EDIT - I remember when my Dad read my bank-statment about a year ago and then decided not to give me my childhood savings from when I was about 13 when i'd trusted him to keep my money in his high-interest account for me - Simple solution, encrypt your PC (i've had my drunked Dad brag about reading through all my emails and chatlogs before every thursday, and then bollock me the next thursday because I put a password on my PC...) and just onlinebanking.
#62 - 5haz
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Talking of EMA, it has a habbit of not going in on time. Was supposed to go in yesterday. If it's not in on Monday, I'm gunna go wild. They've been late with payments for 2 weeks running now. And for the last month I haven't had any transport money, so it's been even harder money wise.

I applied in September...

They first paid me in December.

Nuff said.

But when they paid me, they paid me LOTS
Yeah, you get it backpaid. I applied in June, got a £350 lump sum which I used for my bike test. I get £30 a week but the consitency of this (dates and so on) are completly random. Either way, it's ridiculous. I work just as hard as an "official" employee, do all the same jobs, I'm treated exactly the same, but I don't get a paycheck at the end of the day. 18 hours a week work, plus travel isn't really much to go on.

Different if it's school I guess, but this Entry2Employment course is quite a lot of bullsheit.
I'm 17, and I haven't even had a job yet. Unemployedness FTW! I will get a job when the time comes, after I'm done with school though.
Well I had a jbo for about a year when I was 14 or so - it doesn't go well with education...
Quote from Jakg :My friend is always complaining his never goes in (i.e. he didn't get any for the first 2 months of term)

Fnar, fnar.
two things i learned that might be helpfull here:

if someone does not do as you expect him/her to do, don't expect it any longer

to get along with others it is crusial to see that noone suffers less than yourself

Parental problem/life issues.
(67 posts, started )