People seem to forget the most important thing, LFS is a BUSINESS, as in, they need to make money or they don't eat. I'm more worried about them keeping LFS alive than I am about the scirocco. In the early days you could pick the car you like, find a server with people on it and race. Now if you want company you have to pick a server with people, and drive the car they are driving. I've got about 10 friends to buy LFS over the years, and none of them are regulars any more. Now I know this is fine, people take breaks etc but here's the thing; LFS needs new content just to stop or slow the "churn", the people leaving LFS for other sims. It does not need this to make me happy, or to satisfy the whiners. It needs this to STAY IN BUSINESS, to put food on the table etc etc. The hardcore LFS crowd is not enough to keep things going, even though they are usually the most enjoyable people to drive with there just aren't enough of them.
Thing is though, when I see Eric post "You don't like it, leave" I get scared. It makes me think the devs themselves aren't mature enough to maintain a professional apperance. LFS's public relations could really use some help, and this forum sure isn't doing that. If you REALLY want LFS to survive, go get new people to buy it. It's that simple. The dev's just aren't good at getting people to do that. I bet Eric's post got a good number of them to stop actually, and that is not how you run a business.