You've read my post wrong. In fact you've probably read the first two sentences then assumed my post was the same as the other 90% in this thread.
I never said that anything was owed to us. I was merely making a suggestion that a firm status report from the devs would be a reassuring thing to see, rather than the spooky wall of silence we now have.
Obviously you will get the immature people, however for 80% of the community communication like this is dearly valued. I think my points raised have been much fairer than some of the other replies, and to be honest, communication between developers and the community will enhance the vision that the game is still being worked on. We've already had people quitting LFS because of this - a simple update on the website at least will reassure people that the new update is actually coming soon. How do we know that this isn't all "hot air"?
You've also jumped to conclusions in the fact that you think I'm just another whinging newbie chatting about the new car. I'm not, and not once in my previous post did I mention the Scirocco, I merely mentioned the patch/update. Everybody who has read the original postponement notice would know that the Scirocco isn't the only thing included in the patch. I said that on purpose to see how many people would jump to the conclusion that I desperately wanted the Scirocco, and I'm thankful its only you who hasn't read my post.
A status update would do much more good than harm, and would reassure the community that the devs are actually still working on it. 3 and a half months is a long time with no news