But still.... 3 YEARS!? This guys is propably terrified already ^^, 3 month would be enough .
Its a joke that he caused the trouble on the forum, yet hes allowed back after 3 months, yet he gets banned for 3 years on lfs pretty stupid
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Watch out kids, AMB got banned for 999days on LFS and on the forum, be carefull what you say, devs are watching lol

And what are you then ?
lol that's hard... (IMO too hard)

anyhow we know the devs are still living and watching the forum... but I don't understand why there's no statement about the next patch... just a few sentences -.-
It's probably to make sure the Sirocco will be out when he comes back, so he won't be able to complain about it not being out yet. 3 years... well I hope they're being overly pessimistic.

In my opinion this moves create a jurisprudence for further similar situation. AMB's been banned for that long and in my opinion it just serves him right, and underlines where nonconstructive complains and immaturity can lead you. Hopefully in 3 years he'll be more mature.
Quote from chaa :but I don't understand why there's no statement about the next patch... just a few sentences -.-

because when they do come back for brief periods of time, everyone floods them with stupid posts... think about how annoying it would be to be a celebrity whose phone number got published on the internet? it's the same way here.
I don't think so...
Quote from bunder9999 :[...] think about how annoying it would be to be a celebrity whose phone number got published on the internet? it's the same way here.

Not really. Scavier can ignore any comment made on an announcement if they want. It's not like the comments land directly in their personal e-mail addresses.
Quote from bunder9999 :because when they do come back for brief periods of time, everyone floods them with stupid posts... think about how annoying it would be to be a celebrity whose phone number got published on the internet? it's the same way here.

Well mate, sorry but I think that the community voice at the moment is that of disappointment. It's been a very long time since an update and people tend to get impatient... and yes people will be like "Well this is the devs project and they do what they want", blah blah, it's the same old crap that's been posted before.

If people have an opinion to voice, it will be voiced. Unforunatly you have to take the good with the bad. Negative feedback is needed. Nothing is perfect and unfortunately never will be. Only way to get part-way there is to take the negative comments.

As for AMB, well I didn't see what he did but if he was spamming as bad as I think he was, he maybe deserves a ban. But not a 999 day one, that's just too harsh *IMO*, and a forum related ban should not relate to an ingame ban.. But it's not in my hands so what does it matter to me?
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Well mate, sorry but I think that the community voice at the moment is that of disappointment. It's been a very long time since an update and people tend to get impatient...

you're right... i of all people know about being impatient... but whining isn't going to get anything done any faster here.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Well mate, sorry but I think that the community voice at the moment is that of disappointment. It's been a very long time since an update and people tend to get impatient... and yes people will be like "Well this is the devs project and they do what they want", blah blah, it's the same old crap that's been posted before.

If people have an opinion to voice, it will be voiced. Unforunatly you have to take the good with the bad. Negative feedback is needed. Nothing is perfect and unfortunately never will be. Only way to get part-way there is to take the negative comments.

I figure the Devs should see this negativity and learn from it. It is a fair indication of the viewpoint of many LFS users, and even then, only the portion who can be arsed to post on the forum about it.

People are pissed off with lack of updates, both of content and information regarding progress, YET they are still hanging around the forums, waiting and waiting to play they game they clearly love, but in some form on new light.

Devs, release new content but CHARGE for it! People will be overjoyed, and happy to pay, and perhaps the potential cash injection will re-ignite the passion to create.

Or is Eric really dead? *runs*
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Well mate, sorry but I think that the community voice at the moment is that of disappointment. It's been a very long time since an update and people tend to get impatient... and yes people will be like "Well this is the devs project and they do what they want", blah blah, it's the same old crap that's been posted before.

If people have an opinion to voice, it will be voiced. Unforunatly you have to take the good with the bad. Negative feedback is needed. Nothing is perfect and unfortunately never will be. Only way to get part-way there is to take the negative comments.

As for AMB, well I didn't see what he did but if he was spamming as bad as I think he was, he maybe deserves a ban. But not a 999 day one, that's just too harsh *IMO*, and a forum related ban should not relate to an ingame ban.. But it's not in my hands so what does it matter to me?

I agree with all of that jamie, especially about AMB, why should forum behavior affect your ability to race online, especially as he has paid for his s2 license.

Anyway, as you said, the VW will be here when its ready, i guess as the wait has been fairly long so far anyway, a little more waiting isn't going to be the end of the world.
Quote from Michalxo :May we see the reason? Can someone point me, what he did? This is a very hard punishment :-/

I agree and 3 years is a v long time but no mods posting on this situation is weird. guess they have no good explanation
Regarding AMB's forum ban, I said what I would do if AMB continued and I was good to my word. He accrued a 6 month ban in total from the forum. He led us a song and dance on the forum yesterday, it was annoying and disruptive, it was all in breach of the forum rules and he wouldn't stop until I started taking proper long-term measures against him. And if he starts again, I'll keep doing it. Our time isn't his to waste, nor is this forum his to abuse.

As for his LFS account ban, that's entirely the devs' shout. As any LFS admin knows, a 999 day ban just means VERY banned RIGHT now. IF and when AMB sorts his act out like he promised he would so often before, I would imagine the devs may well lift the ban. That's up to them, it's not my call, but after the crap we had to delete from all over the forum yesterday, I don't care much if it never happens. That's today. Tomorrow, who knows?
Quote from CoreyJR :I agree and 3 years is a v long time but no mods posting on this situation is weird. guess they have no good explanation

I was writing while you were posting, but here's just a simple reminder that mod decisions are not up for negotiation. We qualify our actions to each other and to the devs, in private. We aren't obliged to give information like I did above.
None of us know what he did exactly, he alledgedly made demo accounts to post with on here, which is so far unconfirmed afaik, and although a little silly, not really THAT serious IMO, just a bit silly and annoying for mods who have to go around closing all the pointless threads and postsmade under these ficticious account names, if there were any.

I know for a fact that if it was me, i would be extremely pissed about it if i had got a 3 year ban, and i would probably not even want to come back if the decision was overturned if i had been dealt with this harshly over something silly like this.

Even people who have been known to hack, or worse, havent been banned for this long as far as i know.

Forum behaviour and in game behavior, despite both being LFS related as this is the forum for it, should be treated seperately i would say, online racing bans should only really be for bad behaviour when racing, forum bans for bad forum behaviour.

Having said that though, it is the devs sim and forum, and it is up to them what they do.

EDIT: dont worry, i have just spotted SamH posts.
Quote from danthebangerboy :if it was me

Mate, I cannot in a month of Sundays imagine you behaving that way. Not that I'm encouraging you to surprise me...
All i hav to say is if i was that dude id be well pissd

and thanks for reply samy
Quote from SamH :Mate, I cannot in a month of Sundays imagine you behaving that way. Not that I'm encouraging you to surprise me...

ROFL. I guess some are just a little, or maybe in this case very immature at times, there is a wide spectrum of age groups on here so i guess it is kind of to be expected in a way I was too busy drinking cider down the park and chasing girls when i was a young'un, we are just the the sensible oldies now!

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Racername: JR500
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Houston, USA
Posts: 9

do, do, do, do, another one bites the dust
Umm.. same one, actually.
That'll teach me for subscribing to this thread without being in possesion of all the facts. Damn my slow brains.
If this is true, this is probably the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen in LFS. I am always one to defend the mods/devs, but this is just stupid. I can't believe that Messy gets 999ed from LFS for having a laugh (which sure, could easily deserve a forum ban) yet speedhacking idiots and forum trolls continue happily doing their crap. Shame on you. :thumbsdow
999 in-game ban is "a bit" over the top IMO.

Especially seeing that proven speedhackers were either not banned at all or only banned for 2 or 3 months and can happily join every online server now. It's actually quite ridiculous the more you think about it.
Quote from Gil07 :If this is true, this is probably the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen in LFS. I am always one to defend the mods/devs, but this is just stupid. I can't believe that Messy gets 999ed from LFS for having a laugh (which sure, could easily deserve a forum ban) yet speedhacking idiots and forum trolls continue happily doing their crap. Shame on you. :thumbsdow

Quote from SamH :As for his LFS account ban, that's entirely the devs' shout. As any LFS admin knows, a 999 day ban just means VERY banned RIGHT now. IF and when AMB sorts his act out like he promised he would so often before, I would imagine the devs may well lift the ban. That's up to them, it's not my call, but after the crap we had to delete from all over the forum yesterday, I don't care much if it never happens. That's today. Tomorrow, who knows?

Quote from bandaid :I figure the Devs should see this negativity and learn from it. It is a fair indication of the viewpoint of many LFS users, and even then, only the portion who can be arsed to post on the forum about it.

I have a feeling the devs are too set in their ways to take any of the comments on board and actually *SHOW* they're making progress. (Read what I said, don't jump to conclusions hard-core LFS fans!)

Quote :People are pissed off with lack of updates, both of content and information regarding progress, YET they are still hanging around the forums, waiting and waiting to play they game they clearly love, but in some form on new light.

Exactly the point. And it's a shame because there's only a small minority of active users on these forums play LFS. Most of the people who say "omg let the devs do what they want noob stfu" don't even play anymore.

Quote :Devs, release new content but CHARGE for it! People will be overjoyed, and happy to pay, and perhaps the potential cash injection will re-ignite the passion to create.

Well hopefully.. either way whatever will come will come and there's no point waiting around for it.
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