True, and it's not a fair statement of me. Many people are still, or, let's just say that age has little to do with it, but the chance for a young user of internet to behave bad is bigger than with a senior user.
But that however doesn't say that grown ups behaves good on internet.. good lord, did peek into the official newspaper's forum here in Norway today, darnit so many idiots trying to talk politics I wanted to stab them in their eyes while screaming Fu3.
Of course this just was a dream, but boy I somewhhat wanted that dream to be real, to be able to smack those filthy-abusing-troll-hoarders of internet in their face with a big fish while screaming "WHO'S YOUR BOSS NOW HU!?!?! WHO'S YOUR BOSS NOW?=!=?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Rofl ok chill pill or whatever, and I talk completely of topic, sorry, but why canot people somewhat just.. bah be ok?