Glasses; do you wear them all the time even if you don't need to?
I went to the opticians last Teusday, had a check-up and finally after 2 years they have decided I needed a pair (short-sighted, -1/-1) as I've been pestering him for some really, but he's been holding them off to make sure it wasn't just a temporary thing.

Now I agreed to my optician that I would only use them for things such as driving, the cinema/TV etc, as he explained if you wear them all the time, your eyes become adjusted to the lenses and in turn become much shortsighted than they are now. The thing is I've been practically wearing them whenever I am not at the computer or reading, whereas I obviously said I wouldn't.

My question is, if any of you out there have got glasses for distance and you don't necessary need to wear them all the time, do you find you do anyway?
Quote from spacedskunk :
My question is, if any of you out there have got glasses for distance and you don't necessary need to wear them all the time, do you find you do anyway?

I find it somewhat uncomfortable to read books with glasses on, otherwise I keep it on all the time. I find it's not so much wearing them that causes more near-sightedness, but wearing them (or not) and still using your eyes too much. But I'm no optician, just a guy who's worn them for 10 years.
I'm quite heavily nearsighted, have been wearing glasses since I was 2. so I got used to them early and rarely took them off. might be that my eyes got even worse because of that but since the oculist never told me to take them off (while doing certain activities) I never even thought about doing so. I just don't like it when everything's blurred - basically you can just see me not using glasses when sleeping or swimming

and well meanwhile I can't even read books without glasses anymore, unless I almost touch the book with my nose
My mother thinks I have to wear mine (I got mine 2 years ago), When she saw me using them when I was playing LFS yesterday, she was proud to see me having them on, which I find odd. She wears glasses all the time, I rarely use mine, because of the low prescription (my right eye's lens is 0 and my left has a very minor negative amount). My glasses are for distance.
I like wearing glasses, despite the fact I don't have to wear them at all times, simply because I feel odd when I don't.
I use them almost all the time, I can't watch tv without them and it's only 1.5m away from me haha, but I don't use them for the pc when there's day light but at night I kinda have troubles reading stuff on the screen .

So I just don't wear them when I use the PC... if I'm talking with another person I like to see their face
I have to wear glasses, I can't see shit without them
It's coming to the point where things are a little blurry at a distance now (A few metres) but I really don't want to have to start wearing glasses, I'd prefer contacts - But probably forget to take them out at night and have my eye lids glued together
Get contact lenses. I honestly can't see how I used to survive without them.

They're not that bad if you forget and sleep in them. I manage to do it about once a week. Things are a bit blurry as soon as you open your eyes, but a few blinks and it's gone. I've certainly never had by eyes glue themselves shut, or been in any pain.
Quote from Crashgate3 :Get contact lenses. I honestly can't see how I used to survive without them.

They're not that bad if you forget and sleep in them. I manage to do it about once a week. Things are a bit blurry as soon as you open your eyes, but a few blinks and it's gone. I've certainly never had by eyes glue themselves shut, or been in any pain.

I'm not really conscious of what I look like with glasses on, or bothered about the inconvenience, but I play 5 a-side football and pool/snooker so I think getting contacts for at least them activities would be more useful than the glasses, however I've never researched them at all. I presume you either choose the 1-day ones, or the ones that last 2 weeks (with cleaning solution) and get a set according to your perscription. Since I would only use them for sports/games, I guess the ones that can be cleaned and re-used would be better.

Quote from Danielw597 :It's coming to the point where things are a little blurry at a distance now (A few metres) but I really don't want to have to start wearing glasses, I'd prefer contacts - But probably forget to take them out at night and have my eye lids glued together

I got to that point 2 years ago, then it started annoying me so I went to the opticians. The main reason (I think) was too much time on the computer, I used to be on the computer at college/uni then I would come home and play games. It was a mix of my eyes being tired/irritated as I was on the old CRT monitors at Burnley College and always being focused on something not that far away (CRT monitors 'blink', you might not see it but your brain does so you don't blink as much when using one; causing dry eyes). In my current situation they haven't got noticeably worse for the past year, but I now appreciate the visibility my glasses have given me.
With mine, each set lasts a month and you take them out at night (although I've worn a set for more than a month before and also for 4 days solid with no adverse effects)

I got them through Specsavers and they just send me three sets through the post every three months and £10 comes out of my bank a month to pay for it.

I've also got a set of cats' eye lenses for when I go out, they last me a year if I only wear them for one night every few weeks.
i have to wear glasses when in school, not that bad really. Some people say they suite me so am i ok with them. But it has gottent to the point where i feel i need them more and more. So probably going to get lenses (white ones, make my eyes look wierd)
I have Astigmatism, so if I want contacts they have to be specially made... So I just wear my glasses all the time. I feel weird if im not wearing them.

They get put on when I get up, and taken off when I go to bed.... Except when showering.
Quote from spacedskunk :as he explained if you wear them all the time, your eyes become adjusted to the lenses and in turn become much shortsighted than they are now.

I've worn glasses since I was kid and actually when I started getting older my sight has improved ATM I'm around -0.5/-1.25 - my ophthalmologist tells me this is quite common, anyway.

Some years ago he also advised that I try out contact lenses (something I was not very fond of) and I had to recognize he was right.

Typically I wear contact when I go outside, they are better for driving (but tend to get dry at night, at least for some people), and in general offer better farsight than glasses. At home, when I read books or stay in front of the PC glasses feel more comfortable for me.

As a bonus, wearing contact lenses means I can use whatever sunglasses without the need to have them made to specification.
Without corrective lenses, I wouldn't recognize my own kids standing right in front of me.

I needed glasses when I was 9 and I'm almost 37 now. I finally gave in to try contacts back in 2003. It was by far the best thing I had ever done my entire life. No more glare, no more reflection, no more filth to try to see through and constant cleaning, no more breaking them and not being able to see while they are getting fixed, and best of all, no more geeky tinted 2nd pair glasses for sunglasses or REALLY expensive sunglasses.

I have astigmatism and you don't need them "custom made." They have contacts for astigmatism. I put them in at 5 am and take them out at 9 pm and use my glasses for the last hour of the day. They are disposable 2 week contacts and I wear them for about 2 months.

I use the no-rub solution and don't have to physically clean them. They just go into the solution every night and I rinse them in the morning. Every now and then I do give them a better cleaning with rubbing them in the solution in the palm of my hand.

Best thing I have ever done.
Quote from Crashgate3 :I've certainly never had by eyes glue themselves shut, or been in any pain.

Mabye a myth then, my bad
There are different types of astigmatism, and I was told that if I wanted to use contact lenses, they would need to special order them with the exact details of what shape my eye is.

Anyway, too much hassle, and I can't be assed paying £10 more than everyone else because my eyes are a slightly odd shape.
I have glasses.. I'm supposed to wear them when out on the road but I never bother.. I only struggle to read signs at longer distances... but it's never been an overly large problem in normal usage.

I'd wear them all the time but I'm not used to how I look with them.. besides it's a pain in the ass to have to carry a case around with you.. just another thing to break.
One alternative is hard contact lenses. They'll correct any cornea related astigmatism, and your corrected vision will be better than with soft contact lenses or glasses.

The main issue is comfort, it takes a while to acclimate to wearing hard lenses, and some people never acclimate, so optimitrists are reluctant to prescribe hard lenses because of these issues.

The main con for hard contact lenses is the comfort factor the first few times you try them (or if you get any dust in your eyes).

The pros are many. Better vision. Correction of corneal astigmatism. Low maintainance compared to soft lenses. Very little change of eye irration from contact related infection as can happen with soft lenses.

I always wear my hard contact lenses, set for distance, and my corrected vision is 20/15 (better than average). However being old, I can't see up close well with the contacts in so I now use one set of glasses for the computer and another slightly stronger set for reading.
I'm the total opposite. I don't wear glasses eventhough i am fairly sure that i need them.
From memory, i believe it is recommended to take an eye test every 3 years or so.
I last had mine tested in 1994!

I can see ok generally, although the computer screen is often slightly blurry, as is the TV, or things in the distance.

This thread has reminded me of a hilarious TV clip..
I am long sited and have astigmatism, I always wear my glasses and have done for as long as I can remember. My lenses alone cost £200.

My current frames are Ray Bans.
Horatio ftw!

But seriously, I wear glasses for legitimate reasons.
I wear my glasses all the time, without them I cant even see my own hands properly. Sometimes I get so used to them that I sleep with.

Here I got Astigmatism and Myopia, but the Astigmatism didn't fixed after I started to wear glasses since it's a ripple problem from my eyes.
I'm supposed to wear mine all the time but don't. I wear them in the house and while driving (for the insurance) but not while I'm out.

But I like to think that wearing them all the time makes the muscles lazy and therefore will make my sight worse over time. May of may not be true, but it's a good ego excuse
I do wear my glasses all day because the world would be unsafe if i didn't. For that reason i also wear them during sleep for sharp dreams.