I had the day of School (t'was closed for whatever reason), and having passed my test a few days earlier with some mates in the car we just went into town and pissed about - At the end of the day we were all back at my car except for one guy - So we thought it would be funny to move the car.
He came back, hilarity ensued- until he saw me. He started running straight for the car, and I tried to drive forwards, but he was infront of me, and wasn't stopping - I stopped, and he just kept on running - up the bonnet, over the windscreen, onto the roof and then slid down the back onto the back of the car, and then just hopped into the back door and I went.
The whole time an Asda trolley guy was watching, and his face was just like :0. It was ****ing hilarious
Bad news - I still have a little footshaped dent on the roof of my car